About Us

The Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management was established in the year 1991 (in the name of Department of Systems Engineering) as the first of its kind in tertiary educational institutions in Hong Kong.  In August the same year, the Department was one of the 4 founding departments of the newly established Faculty of Engineering.  In the past twenty seven years, the Department not only has made itself become a regional and internationally renowned academic program, but also has contributed significantly to the growth of the Faculty, by its vigorous pursuit in teaching, research and service.
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  • Ph.D. SEEM 2007 Graduate
    As a graduate of the SEEM Department, I have learned a lot of knowledge in many areas which are truly constructive to both my career and research development. Unlike traditional engineering programmes which emphasis on teaching professional engineering topics, SEEM nurtured me all-round ranging from engineering management principles,, financial concepts to information technologies. These kinds of knowledge are basic and a must for us to have in this competitive and global business environment. Now, I am a business analyst in an international express company and definitely I can tell you that the knowledge that I derived from SEEM is vital for my career development. I truly believe that SEEM is a wise choice for you.

  • Programme: SEEM 2013 Class
    Working at the technology group of a global investment bank requires both high quality of work and speedy delivery of results– this is the truth I genuinely realized during my internship at J.P Morgan. I was assigned to the Equity Derivatives Group – Rapid Application Development team, which develop light-weight applications on top of gigantic databases using RAD methodology. Over the last ten years, cutting-edge technologies have completely reshaped the market landscape; from high frequency trading to complex derivatives, the omnipresence of technology in banking has made this industry more dynamic than ever. Increasingly stringent and diverse regulatory requirements in APAC have also put much constraint on the systems we operate – that’s why there is an ongoing effort to change our IT strategy for the next 5 years.

  • Programme: SEEM 2012 Graduate
    Three-years time in SEEM was really a fruitful and enjoyable period for me. Not only the knowledge I gained from books and lecture is valuable, but it is also a good place for me to equip myself to become more competitive. Unlike other traditional engineering programmes, SEEM offers a wide range of courses such as project management, finance and mathematical knowledge which enabled me to know how to apply engineering to the business world. These are the key elements to my future success in this fast-paced financial world. If you also want to discover your true potential and gain valuable experience in your university life, I strongly recommend SEEM to you.