Summer Courses 2020

University-Level Credit-bearing Course List
Category I – University-Level Credit-bearing Courses
Students who complete the course and meet its requirement can opt for credit exemption when studying at The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
大學學分課程: 學生完成課程並達到科目要求,可保留大學學分,將來入讀中大時可申請豁免選修/指定科目學分。
Subject Course Details Target
Mathematics SAYT1014 Towards Modern Algebra (EPYMT)
數學英才精進計劃 ── 近世代數初探
Promoting to or Studying S4-S5
Mathematics SAYT1034 Complex Numbers and Analytic Geometry (EPYMT)
數學英才精進計劃 ── 複數與解析幾何
Promoting to or Studying S4-S5
Mathematics SAYT1134 Towards Differential Geometry (EPYMT) 
數學英才精進計劃 ── 微分幾何初探
Promoting to or Studying S5-S6
Physics SAYT1005 Introduction to University Physics
Promoting to or Studying S5-S6
Academy-Level Credit Course List
Category II – Academy-Level Credit-bearing Courses
Students can accumulate credits which will be regarded as “Other Learning Experience” when applying University.
學院學分課程: 學生可記錄頒授的學分以證明在中學課程外的科學學習經驗,並協助他們報考大學及相關的課程。
Subject Course Details Target
Chemistry CUSA1021 Analysis in Modern Chemistry
Promoting to or Studying S5-S6
Chemistry CUSA1041 Essentials of Organic Chemistry

Promoting to or studying S4-S6
Life Sciences CUSA2023 Introduction to Bionics
Promoting to or Studying S2-S3
Life Sciences CUSA2043 An Ocean of Inspiration and Beauty
Promoting to or studying S4-S6
Statistics SAYT1026 Statistics Modeling and Big Data Analytics
Studying in S4-S6