CUHK takes part in APRU Multi-hazards Campus Safety Workshop
Mr. Ralph Lee (2nd left, back), Director of University Safety, joins the Multi-hazards Campus Safety Workshop with delegates from other APRU member universities.
Mr. Ralph Lee, Director of University Safety at CUHK, took part in the 3rd Association of Pacific Rim Universities (APRU) Multi-hazards Campus Safety Workshop held at Tohoku University in Sendai, Japan during 12-15 February 2020. The workshop aimed to promote the understanding of natural and man-made disasters and facilitate the participants to learn how to conduct a comprehensive disaster risk assessment using an all-hazards approach in their universities. Sixteen professionals from APRU member universities in Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Mainland China, Malaysia, the Philippines, USA, and Taiwan participated in the workshop. Mr. Lee spoke on risk and crisis management during the event, and took part in a field trip to visit sites in the Miyagi Prefecture which were severely hit by the earthquake and tsunami on 11 March 2011.
As a network of leading universities linking the Americas, Asia and Australasia, APRU is the Voice of Knowledge and Innovation for the Asia-Pacific region. The Multi-Hazards Programme is a core programme of the network, which aims to harness the collective capacities of member universities for cutting-edge research on disaster risk reduction (DRR) and to contribute to international policy-making discussions to improve DRR.
CUHK members are encouraged to capitalise on APRU to strengthen their research or professional development. Those who are interested in exploring the opportunities offered by APRU should visit the APRU webpage and contact the Office of Academic Links at oal@cuhk.edu.hk.