SEEM Student achieved excellent results in the HSBC Financial Innovation Case Study

SEEM Student achieved excellent results in the HSBC Financial Innovation Case Study

The HSBC Financial Innovation Case Study was held on Aug 17. The team (“Finnovators”) composed of Choi Ho Yin Issac (SEEM/3), Jacus Liou (Fintech/3), Kong Chan Yat Lawrence (Econ/4) and other students from HKU and HKUST won 1st Runner-up with a monetary prize of $20,000 in the competition. They proposed financial management and knowledge cultivation platform with game mechanics overlaid to assist kids in developing financial knowledge. Their habit development solution makes use of OpenAPI supported by HKMA and banks to tailor-made a debit card for child personal finance needs.

Mr. CHOI Ho Yin Issac

More Reference:
HSBC Financial Dialogue Series 2019 Financial Innovation Case Study 

Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management, CUHK