Mr. CHOI Ho Yin Issac, a Year 3 SEEM Undergraduate student, teamed with students from HKU and HKUST won the Championship of openlab x FinTecubator Innovation Challenge organized by the Hang Seng Bank

Mr. CHOI Ho Yin Issac, a Year 3 SEEM Undergraduate student, teamed with students from HKU and HKUST won the Championship of openlab x FinTecubator Innovation Challenge organized by the Hang Seng Bank

The team (“Altitude”) led by Choi Ho Yin Issac (SEEM/3), comprised of Cheung Tsz Yin (IE/5), Wong Sin Yi (CS/3) and other students from HKU and HKUST won the Championship with a monetary prize of $20,000 of openlab x FinTecubator Innovation Challenge organized by the Hang Seng Bank and the CUHK SEEM Department. They proposed and developed a prototype of a receivable management tools, and a Smart Contract mechanism embedded business logic into business terms in the challenge held on Oct 31, 2019. Members of the team would like to thank Prof. CHAN Chun Kwong for being such a wonderful mentor.

Caption of the photo (from right to left): Prof. Chan Chun Kwong (Right 1st), Choi Ho Yin Issac (Right 2nd ), Cheung Tsz Yin (Right 3rd ), Wong Sin Yi (Absent)

More reference:
Innovation challenge @ Hang Seng Bank

Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management, CUHK