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2021Nov 5 6 Evidenced Social Work Practice Seminar



2021年11月5日(五) 下午1時45分至3時45分

會議ID: 832 8759 3084

討論會內容及流程 (主持人:夏麗麗教授) :


































向小玲《Internet based cognitive behavioral therapy for depression: a pilot study of home care older adults》(線上)








夏麗麗《A gendered analysis of symptom severity and perceived social support of Hong Kong Chinese parents with depression: implication for social work intervention》









論壇組織人:夏麗麗 17157849183 Email住址會使用灌水程式保護機制。你需要啟動Javascript才能觀看它


論壇聯絡人:董可欣 13372579748 Email住址會使用灌水程式保護機制。你需要啟動Javascript才能觀看它


family centre event


An article on ‘Couples with Breast Cancer Challenges’ by Dr. Chang Man-yan, Fiona and Prof. Ma Lai-chong, Joyce published on Ming Pao (26-4-2021)副刊/article/20210426/s00005/1619375384738/ 

(also available in PDF)


An article of Prof. Joyce Ma 

An article of Prof. Joyce Ma titled “Living Under the Threat of COVID-19 Pandemic: Personal and Professional Reflection of a Hong Kong Therapist” published online in the 3rd Issue of the Newsletter of Asian Family Therapy Academy (AAFT)

You may read the article by Prof. Ma here


ADHD video EP 3 “Providing Families with Ways of Raising Children with ADHD (協助ADHD家庭尋找教養孩子的方法) (English version)"

The research team of the Family and Group Practice Research Centre, with the support of CUHK’s the Knowledge Transfer Fund of The Chinese University of Hong Kong and the Social Innovation Fund, has produced three short videos on children with ADHD and their families. The videos (Ep1, 2 and 3) are available in Cantonese and Mandarin in center website (search: Videos on children with ADHD and their families). A new version of the video (Ep3) has been newly published in English.

This video reported on the treatment efficacy of a multiple family group (MFG) in helping families of children with ADHD. MFG is a family-based intervention aiming to assist families of children with ADHD to utilize their family resources as well as the resources of other families, which are facing similar developmental challenges in raising children with ADHD.


Staff Appointment

Prof. Joyce Ma has been newly appointed by the Government of the HKSAR as a member of the Minimum Wage Commission for two years from 1 March 2021 to 28 February 2023.

The Minimum Wage Commission is tasked with an important mission of reporting to the Chief Executive in Council its recommendation about the Statutory Minimum Wage rate in accordance with the Minimum Wage Ordinance (Chapter 608 of the Laws of Hong Kong).

Please refer to this URL for the press release concerned:


“指出注意缺陷多動障礙兒童的華人家庭:家庭為本干預手法” (29/1/2021星期五 晚上7:00至9:00)

主辦單位: 深圳市兒童醫院社工部及兒童保健與心理健康中心,香港中文大學社會工作學系家庭及小組實務研究中心

研討會簡介: (研討會將透過課堂,影片播放,討論進行。)























prof. ma


julia lo


dr A


ms b



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Seminar on Holistic management at school for students with ADHD - “知多一點點:老師協助ADHD學生成長的方法(網上講座)” on 16 January 2021 (Saturday) from 10a.m. to 12p.m.


“作為家長老師要慎重,不要給孩子貼標籤,還是要以臨床診斷為準。 “

poster for 16 jan min


「患有注意力不足過度活躍症兒童的華人家庭:家庭為本干預手法」 for students and colleagues of Zhejiang University on 18 December, 2020 (Friday) from 09:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.

Dec 18 ADHD talk poster



prof ma 2

Prof. Joyce Ma



Dr. Julia Lo


lily xia

Dr. Lily Xia



“作為家長老師要慎重,不要給孩子貼標籤,還是要以臨床診斷為準。 “


Media exposure

An interview of Prof Joyce Ma’s by Miss Cheung Fung Ping and Mr. Liu Yue Siu, the two journalists of Radio Hong Kong on the program “中國點點點: 對談中國” to share her experience of practicing family therapy in Shenzhen and my view in regard to the future development of family therapy in Mainland on December 1, 2020 (Tuesday) from 4:10 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.


An interview of Dr. Joanne Leung Kit Ting regarding Palliative Care by Ming Pao

Please refer to the article here


An academic seminar for students and colleagues of Renmin University of China on November 16, 2020 (Monday) from 3:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Prof Mas Lecture 002



  • “我印象最深刻的是一個小video中關於孩子要不要吃藥的討論,我們太多時候去關注怎麼採取行動讓兒童變乖,卻忽略了兒童自己也曾付出過努力。”
  • “馬教授為我們介紹的這種多元家庭治療的小組方法,讓我看到了每個家庭有治愈的能力,我們可以為他們營造具有安全感的親子和同輩支持環境,為這些特殊群體帶來更多生命的可能。”
  • “除此之外,馬教授的精彩分享讓我感受到了社會工作專業的獨特魅力。”
  • 本次講座中有張圖片引起了我的思考,一個兒童提出‘’不想像狗一樣被反覆訓練‘’。
  • “關於多動症兒童的治療,我們往往只關注他們內在行為的表現是否符合傳統的標準,只要能他們安靜、專注,便是‘’好‘’的方法,卻忽視了他們作為獨立個體的內心感受。”
  • “馬教授的講座讓我們了解到‘’多元家庭治療‘’的獨特之處,在孩子關係的塑造和朋輩關係的支持中能以更自然的方式為這些特殊兒童帶來更多的發展可能性。”


Press Release on “A study on Mental Health Problems and Needs of Foster Care Children in Hong Kong” (6 Nov 2020)

new report

You may visit here for the news report in Sing Tao Daily's website.


Videos on children with ADHD and their families

The research team of the Family and Group Practice Research Centre of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, with the support of CUHK’s Knowledge Transfer Fund and the Social Innovation Fund, has produced the following three short videos on children with ADHD and their families.


Cantonese Version:

Mandarin Version:


Seminar on “Family-based intervention for Chinese families of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)” (21 Nov 2020)

ADHD poster 002


「ADHD你問我答 X 多家庭小組有辦法」網上家長講座 (24 October 2020)

ADHD poster 001

You may view the part of sharing by Prof. Joyce Ma here: 
「ADHD你問我答 X 多家庭小組有辦法」網上家長講座 (24 October 2020) (香港中文大學社會工作學系馬麗莊教授的分享部份)


An interview of Prof. Joyce Ma's by the U Magazine on the impact of COVID-19 on family relationships and how family therapy can help

Page 1

Page 2 interviewed by U Mag

Interview of Prof. Joyce Ma by Hong Kong Council of Social Service

Sing Tao

Sing Tao: 【社聯「港講訴 Time to Heal」訪談系列(二)】秉持社工專業 與年輕人真誠溝通

Bastille Post: 【社聯「港講訴 Time to Heal」訪談系列(二)】秉持社工專業 與年輕人真誠溝通

Time to Heal: 秉持社工專業 與年輕人真誠溝通


Press Release on “A study on family wellbeing in Hong Kong” (15 May 2020)

Prof Ma



東方報導:香港家庭幸福指數僅6.23分屬一般 年輕人幸福感偏低

香港01報導:香港家庭幸福指數僅6分 中大調查:港人長工時缺家庭生活



Prof. Joyce Ma’s sharing about the impacts of COVID-19 on family relationships on ViuTV

Press Conference and Press Release on “Treatment Efficacy of Multiple Family Therapy for Chinese families with members suffering from depression” (2 December 2019)




Book of “Multiple Family Groups for Chinese Families of Parents in Recovery of Depression”



Interviewing family therapists at the World Family Therapy Congress, organised by the International Family Therapy Association (IFTA), held in Aberdeen, March 28-30 2019

Context163 IFTAinterviewsl Page 2

Media coverage of “Program Evaluation on a Family-centered Project for Children with Special Educational Needs and their Families” for YWCA 

星島日報 57155 20190128

親子王 57156 20190128



Current Projects

A family-centered Intervention for adults with high-functioning autism

Project Team Members

Principal Investigator: Joyce L. C. Ma;
Co-Investigator: Julia Lo;
Co-Investigator: Tiffany Lo;
Co-Investigator: Dr. Joanne Wong (SAHK)

Duration 2020 - 2022

This project is a research collaboration between our Centre and SAHK.

In order to further examine the effectiveness of family-centered intervention and to modify and develop a culturally specific and socially relevant treatment model for families with an adult member diagnosed HFA, an extended two-year project is thus now proposed. The team had designed, carried out, and studied the precious family-centered interventions for these families and had accumulated rich experiences. In this new project, both family therapy service and multiple family therapy services will be provided, with more emphasis on developing a MFG model for this clientele.

Commissioned by SAHK
Amount HKD 295,392

The Use of Online Family Counseling with Chinese families of children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in Hong Kong: An exploratory study

Project Team Members Dr. LO Wing Ka, Julia
Dr. HUO Shuting (Brain and Mind Institute)
Dr. WONG Lok Yee, Natalie (Department of Psychology)
Duration 2020 - 2021

This project is a research collaboration between our Centre, Brain and Mind Institute and Department of Psychology.

Clinical social work and psychology shared the same goal of enhancement and maintenance of psychosocial functioning of individuals, families, and social groups of people. Both disciplines have been endeavored in developing different effective psychosocial interventions in mental health, with clinical social work putting more emphasis on the socio-contextual influences on the persons, while psychology emphasizes more on the intrapersonal factors.

This cross-disciplinary study aims to explore the family participatory experiences in online family counseling. With the joint contributions from the disciplines of social work and psychology, exploration and consolidation of the knowledge on the intervention process could be in a more holistic way, i.e. with both socio-contextual dimension and intrapersonal dimension.

Funding body Interdisciplinary Research Seed Funding 2020-21

Promotion of a strength-based approach in understanding and helping children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorders (ADHD)

Project Team Members Professor Ma Lai-chong, Joyce
Professor Siu Fung-ying, Angela
Professor Lai Yee-ching, Kelly
Duration 2019 - 2021

Project objectives:

  1. To disseminate the knowledge and wisdom regarding the understanding on ADHD developed from “the Study of the Efficacy of an Indigenous Multi-Family Groups for Chinese Families in Hong Kong with children suffering from Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorders”.
  2. To promote strength-based and resilience-focused understanding of ADHD among the families with children with ADHD, the community and the helping professionals in Hong Kong, in addition to the existing deficit and behavior-based model;
  3. To reduce social stigmatization of the disorder for children with ADHD and their parents;
  4. To equip helping professionals with the knowledge about family-centered intervention model in working with children with ADHD.
Funding body CUHK Knowledge Transfer Project Fund (KPF)

A Study on Family Well-being in Hong Kong

Project Team Members Professor Wong Mei-ching, Mooly
Professor Ma Lai-chong, Joyce
Ms. Wan Po-san, Shirley
Duration 2018 - 2021

This project is a research collaboration between our Centre and Hong Kong Family Welfare Society

The objectives aim at:

  1. To develop a socially relevant and culturally appropriate measuring tool, which has sound psychometric properties in terms of reliability and validity, to assess family well-being of Hong Kong people; and
  2. To identify the well-being of Hong Kong families.

To develop an index of family well-being index and track the changes of Hong Kong families over time, this study will adopt mixed methods and a cross-sectional design. In general, this study will be divided into three parts.

  1. Development of the family well-being index: literature review, focus group and pilot survey
  2. Phone survey
  3. Promotion of the tool and follow-up plan
Funding body Hong Kong Family Welfare Society

Evaluation Study on the Financial Social Work Training Program in Hong Kong

Project Team Members Kim Minseop
Zhou Huiquan Mary
Yau Ng Lai Tuen, Monica
Duration 2017 - 2020

This project is a research collaboration between our Centre and Hong Kong Family Welfare Society.

This study is designed to study Hong Kong social workers’ training needs for financial social work practice, with a focus on the suitable contents and modes of the Financial Social Work (FSW) training program, and to evaluate the outcome of FWS training program, specifically, the Financial Social Work (FSW) Certification program. As such, this evaluation study will conduct both need assessments and outcome evaluations.

The study will adopt mixed research methods with quantitative and qualitative methods. For needs assessment, participants of FWS training program will join the focus group for investigation on their experience in the training program and training needs. Taking reference from the content of focus group, online survey will be designed for Hong Kong social workers’ completion to investigate their training needs. For outcome evaluations, it consists of on-site participant observation, focus group, and in-depth interview. Questionnaires with a single group pre/post design will also be distributed to participants of FWS training program to examine the effectiveness of the training program.

Funding body Hong Kong Family Welfare Society

A Study on Mental Health Problems and Needs of Foster Care Children in Hong Kong

Project Team Members Professor Wong Mei-ching, Mooly
Professor Chang Ching-wen
Professor Ma Lai-chong, Joyce
Duration 2018 - 2019

This project is a research collaboration between our Centre and Hong Kong Family Welfare Society.

The objectives aim at exploring:

  1. the phenomenon of mental health difficulties of foster care children
  2. their mental health services utilization condition and experiences. The findings will help us to reflect the mental health needs of children residing in foster care, and to suggest recommendations for fostering mental well-being for the vulnerable community in Hong Kong.

The research study adopts a mixed-method approach, composing of both quantitative and qualitative study.

The quantitative study will examine:

  1. the rate of various types of mental health difficulties, including rates of clinical-level difficulties, among foster care children
  2. the factors related to mental health difficulties of foster care children
  3. the service utilization rate of foster care children who are in need of mental health service
  4. the factors related to the utilization of mental health service of foster care children

The qualitative study will examine:

  1. the lived experiences of foster care children of using mental health service
  2. the perceived helpful and unhelpful elements of mental health service for the foster care children
Funding body Hong Kong Family Welfare Society

A Study on the Kindergarten Stationing Services - Enhancement of Social Emotional Competencies of Preschoolers

Project Team Members Professor Wong Mei-ching, Mooly
Professor Leung Suk-man, Grace
Professor Ma Lai-chong, Joyce
Duration 2017 - 2019

This project is a research collaboration between our Centre and Hong Kong Family Welfare Society.


The objectives are as follows:

  1. To screen preschool children that have social emotional difficulties;
  2. To evaluate the intervention group and program for children, parents, and school personnel with the aim to facilitate children’s social emotional development;
  3. To evaluate the overarching achievement of the services in enhancing the social emotional development of children;
  4. To collect school personnel and service users’ satisfaction levels and utilization of kindergarten school social work service.


The research project consists of the following parts:

Study 1: Identify children with social emotional difficulties

Study 2: Evaluate the group intervention for children

Study 3: Evaluate the group intervention for parents

Study 4: Evaluate the parent-child activities

Study 5: Evaluate the overarching achievement of the services in Level II to IV

Study 6: Service users’ and school personnel’ perceived helpfulness, satisfaction level and utilization of services in Level II to IV

Funding body Hong Kong Family Welfare Society

Financial Social Work in Hong Kong: Needs Assessment and Program Evaluation

Project Team Members Kim Minseop (PI)
Zhou Huiquan, Mary (PI)
Duration 2017 - 2019
Funding body Hong Kong Family Welfare Society
Amount HKD 187,710

A study of the Treatment Efficacy of Multiple Family Therapy in Helping Chinese Families of Parents in Recovery of Major Depression

Project Team Members Prof. Ma Lai-chong, Joyce
Prof. Lai Yee-ching, Kelly
Dr. Wan Suk-fan, Erica
Mrs. Yau Ng Lai-tuen, Monica
Ms. Sania Yau 
Duration 2016 - 2019

This project is a research collaboration between our Centre and New Life Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association.

This study aims to:

  • develop a clinically useful, culturally relevant and socially effective model of practice on MFT with Chinese families with a parent or two in recovery of major depression;
  • evaluate the applicability and treatment efficacy of MFT in helping Chinese families with a parent or parents in recovery of depression; and
  • identify theories of change so developed by using the data set generated in this research including the family experiences toward MFT and their subjective experiences in the group process.
Funding body New Life Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association

Completed Project

2017 to 2018 A Study on Family Research in Hong Kong: A Critical Review and Annotated Bibliography
2017 to 2018 Evaluation Study for the S-QUBE (S3) – Youth Financial Empowerment Project
2017 to 2018 An Exploratory Study of the Proposed Family-centered Intervention for Adults with Asperger Disorder /High-Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorder
2016 to 2016 The Hong Kong Rugby Union Community Foundation Inclusive Sports Coach Training Programme – Phase I
2015 to 2016 A Study on Family Mediation Services in Hong Kong
2015 to 2016 Evaluation Study on Investor Education Centre Workplace Financial Education Programme
2014 to 2017 Evaluation Study on The Women's Foundation's Employability Training Programme for Marginalised Women
2013 to 2015 A Study of the Efficacy of an Indigenous Multi-family Groups for Chinese Families in Hong Kong with Children Suffering from Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorders
2013 to 2015 Training project on family-centered practice with cancer patients for Hong Kong Cancer fund
2012 to 2014 Family-centre Practice Research for S.K.H. St. Christopher's Home
2012 to 2014 Phase 2 of Shandong Project:
Research Project on the Development of Family-centered Services Model in Working with Youth and Families in China
2011 to 2014 Evaluation Study on The Women's Foundation's Financial Literacy Programme for Marginalised Women
2011 to 2012 Research on Work-family Balance of Full-time Employees in Hong Kong
2010 to 2012 Phase 1 of Shandong Project:
Research on Social Work Intervention and Education in Shandong
2007 to 2011 Project on Family Therapy and Eating Disorder in Shenzhen, China
2008 to 2010 Projects on Multiple Family Groups
2009 Evaluation on Effectiveness of Treatment Group Using Strategies and Skills Learning and Development (SSLD) and Mindfulness Practice on Chinese Adults with Insomnia
2009 Harmony Praxis Project