Faculty of Science, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) - B.Sc. in Molecular Biotechnology

B.Sc. in Molecular Biotechnology

 (Offered by School of Life Sciences)


(852) 3943 6393
Admission  SCIENCE (JS4601)



Molecular biotechnology is a revolutionary area of scientific discipline that involves the application of gene and protein technology. This state-of-the-art technology has exerted remarkable contributions to agricultural health, environmental, bioenergy, and other bio-industrial areas. Molecular biotechnology is one of the major driving forces shaping the development of human society in the 21st century. In view of the current needs of increasing manpower and future prospects of biotechnology, the University launched the Molecular Biotechnology Programme (MBTE) in 1998. We target students who are interested in genetic engineering, molecular biology, methods in biochemistry, medical, microbial, plant, and animal biotechnology. Other in-depth knowledge from an array of elective courses covering various aspects of cell and developmental biology, animal and plant physiology, immunology and clinical biochemistry, bioinformatics, genomics and proteomics are also provided for students’ selection. In addition, we also address the business and social implications of biotechnology, such as government policy, management, intellectual property, and ethical and public concerns.


  • To provide theoretical and hands-on training to students on the fundamental knowledge, current development, business and social implications of molecular biotechnology
  • To cultivate the ability of logical and critical thinking, and scientific communications


  • Fundamental knowledge in life sciences with emphasis on molecular biotechnology
  • Hands-on skills through specially designed laboratory courses on methods in molecular biotechnology
  • In-depth knowledge in selected areas of your choice. Topics cover various aspects of challenging fields in biology & biochemistry
  • Comprehensive understanding of the business and social implications of biotechnology, such as government policy, management, intellectual property, and ethical and public concerns

Career Prospects

Ample job opportunities in business sectors, pharmaceutical industries, commercial biotechnology companies, laboratories, agriculture, law firm, education and government sectors. Graduates can also pursue postgraduate studies (Master or Ph.D.) in overseas or local universities.

Alumnus Sharing

CHU Wai Kit
Assistant Professor, Department of Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences, CUHK

I am very glad to study MBTE in my bachelor. The knowledge and experience I gained from MBTE indeed lead to some of the most amazing and life-changing opportunities including doing a D.Phil at Oxford and working as a scientist in Denmark. The trainings offered by MBTE are at the world-class standard. Connection is another key characteristic of MBTE. It is precious for MBTE graduates to be so close to each other. And for those who are joining our family, there are unlimited possibilities in your future careers. Not only restricted to biotechnology, but there are also various chances such as medicine, publication industry, legal practice and business consultancy. Welcome to MBTE!