Forum on Art and Social Change 2021

May 5, 2021

Forum on Art and Social Change 2021

Forum on Art and Social Change 2021
Date: May 5-6, 2021 (May 5, 7-9pm | May 6, 3-5pm; 7-9pm)
Platform: Facebook Live on Centre for Cultural Studies, CUHK , no registration needed

Since 2014, the Master of Arts in Cultural Management (MACM) programme has organized annual community arts forums and festivals, covering a range of topics relevant to different communities. From 2021 onwards, the MACM programme will embark on a 4-year Arts and Social Change project with the intention to develop a framework to evaluate the impacts of arts for seniors. This year’s forum seeks to explore the latest trends and developments on how the social impacts of arts are being evaluated across different community-based projects. Issues on social aspects of ageing will also be covered. The panel of presenters are part of a newly established Arts and Social Change Network, most of whom have carried out extensive research on or organized actual community arts projects.


Programme Schedule

5 May 19:00-21:00

Arts in the time of Covid – A practice for Dementia and Carers
Sinead Devine (Top Ten Women’s Drama Group, Northern Ireland, UK)

Embedding Quality Arts Engagement for Older People at the heart of Health Social and Community Care Services.
Jenny Elliott (Arts Care, Northern Ireland, UK)

The Art of Ageing: Practices and Principles of Arts for Older People in Northern Ireland Matt Jennings (Ulster University, Northern Ireland, UK)

The Agelessness of Hoping, against the Hopelessness of Ageing: Theatre for All Time
Octavian Saiu (National University of Theatre and Film, Romania)

6 May 15:00-17:00

Loving our Golden Years
Chia Peng Chwan (Singapore University of Social Sciences)

Access Path: Disrupting and dismantling the mainstream notion of Inclusion via artistic praxis in Singapore
Grace Lee-Khoo (Access Path Productions, Singapore)

The social engagement during the pandemic period-Using Men of Winds as a case study
Lin Ka Chun (Men of Winds, HK)

The Transgenerational Transmission of Vernacular Wisdom
Ian Alden Russell (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)


6 May 19:00-21:00
A case study on a bilingual radio play Chap Lau (10 Storey Flats)Peggy Ferroa (The Glowers Drama Group, Singapore)

Social Creativity: Rethinking Participation and Social Engagement
Caleb Lee (Rose Bruford College, UK)

Community Music and Arts Empowerment – Case study of a community music group of senior citizens in Shek Kip Mei
David Lui (Centre for Community Cultural Development, HK)

Elderly Empowerment: Promoting Wellbeing and Health through Thai Traditional Dance
ShawHong Ser (Chulalongkorn University, Thailand)


Convenor: Benny Lim (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Co-organizers: Master of Arts in Cultural Management (MACM) programme and the Centre for Cultural Studies, CUHK


With the support of CUHK Faculty of Arts 香港中文大學文學院

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