The Inauguration Ceremony of The Social Work Society (2021-22)


The Inauguration Ceremony of The Social Work Society, Student Union of The Chinese University (2021-22) was successfully held in Yasumoto International Academic Park on 26 March 2021. The Ceremony marks the commencement of duty of the new cabinet – “Plumeria”.

Teaching staff including Prof. Steven Ngai, Prof. Wallace Chan, Prof. Phyllis Wong and Mr. Alan Din, and students from the Department of Social Work attended the Ceremony. Committee members of Plumeria enjoyed the close communication with participants during the event.

In the coming year, Plumeria will try their best to care for the well-being of their fellow students and be attentive to social issues.

1. Group Photo revise Students and staff members attending the Inauguration Ceremony

2. Kevin and Steven reviseMr. Kevin Kee, Chairperson of Plumeria and Prof. Steven Ngai, Chairperson of our Department

Photo of Kevin and Wallace 1 reviseMr. Kevin Kee and Prof. Wallace Chan

Photo of Kevin and Phyllis 1 reviseMr. Kevin Kee and Prof. Phyllis Wong

Photo of Kevin and Alan 1 reviseMr. Kevin Kee and Mr. Alan Din