Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme
Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme (HKPFS)


HK$325,200 (approx. US$41,690) per year
Up to HK$1.3 Million (approx. US$166,700)*


Conference and Research-related Travel Allowance

HK$13,600 (approx. US$1,740) per year
Up to HK$84,400 (approx. US$10,800)*

CUHK Vice-Chancellor HKPFS Scholarship

Tuition Fee Waiver

Up to HK$168,400*
(approx. US$21,500)


Lodging Award

Up to HK$100,000*#
(approx. US$12,800)


1st Year Hostel Fee Waiver and Guaranteed On-campus Accommodation*^

* During the student’s normative study period
# An award of HK$ 40,000 for lodging in the first year of study and HK$ 20,000 in subsequent years during the normative study period
^ HKPFS awardees who submit hall applications in a timely manner
Starting from the 2020-21 intake, all PhD candidates who are nominated to Research Grants Council (RGC) by CUHK but not selected for HKPFS will be offered a regular PhD place with the CUHK Vice-Chancellor PhD Scholarship.

See the list of HKPFS eligible PhD programmes
Realize your PhD study goal with us at CUHK

Studying at CUHK has been a great experience so far.

The school’s rich facilities, multicultural setting and natural surroundings ensure an excellent learning environment. The Anthropology department is extremely friendly and stimulating, with my supervisor and other faculty members providing strong guidance and support. 

Gabriella ANGELINI
from Italy
PhD student in Anthropology

I feel privileged to have the opportunity to study at CUHK. 

CUHK offers world-class infrastructure and a serene campus for research. Being at CUHK, I am able to work under the supervision of top-notch scholars. The excellent support and guidance I receive from my supervisors are testament to the university’s commitment to professionalism. 

Chimdessa Fekadu TSEGA
from Ethiopia
PhD Student in Law

Pursuing a PhD degree at CUHK Engineering is an extraordinary experience.

With top-tier supervisors and a world-class research environment, students perform cutting-edge research and publish high-quality academic papers. The Faculty’s close connections with mainland China and the world provide lots of opportunities to collaborate with world-class researchers during and after my PhD study. 

Dr. Yikang LI
from China
PhD Graduate in Electronic Engineering

I am honoured to be supported by HKPFS to embark on my exciting PhD journey at CUHK, a regional and global leader in state-of-the-art medical research.

The robust momentum and academic atmosphere at CUHK Medicine have always motivated me in my pursuit of research excellence. 

Raphaela Iris LAU
from Hong Kong
PhD student in Medical Sciences

Studying at CUHK has been an exceptional experience.

Diversity and inclusion are welcoming. The learning environment with stalwart researchers conducting world-class studies is altogether compelling. I have access to any study material I need. I am deeply indebted to HKPFS and CUHK for this opportunity to pursue my dreams.

Abd'gafar Tunde TIAMIYU
from Nigeria
PhD student in Mathematics

CUHK Business School is the perfect platform for me to grow and flourish as an academic.

The rigorous academic training received from our extraordinary faculty equipped me with high-quality research skills that allow me to engage with global academic networks. Being awarded the HKPFS has been a major achievement and blessing for me. 

Anna HSU
from Taiwan
PhD student in Management
Postgraduate Studies at CUHK
In addition to meeting CUHK's admissions requirements, applicants should have outstanding credentials in terms of
Academic Excellence
Research Ability
and Potential
Communication and Interpersonal Skills
Leadership Abilities
Application Process
1 Sep – 1 Dec 2022
Step 1
  • Submit an initial application via the RGC website.
  • Each applicant may choose up to two programmes in each application.

RGC application deadline
1 Dec 2022 at 12noon (Hong Kong Time)

Step 2
  • Obtain a HKPFS reference number.
Step 3
Note: Applicants who have chosen two CUHK programmes in the RGC's initial application are reminded to submit a separate application for each programme at CUHK.

CUHK application deadline
1 December 2022, 5pm (Hong Kong Time)

Sep – Dec 2022
Step 4
  • Attend interview, if shortlisted.
Mar – Apr 2023
Step 5
  • RGC announces HKPFS results.