BSSc, MSW, PhD (CUHK); RSW 3943 7843Email住址會使用灌水程式保護機制。你需要啟動Javascript才能觀看它
- 青少年工作
- 學校社會工作
- 臨床家庭輔導
- 香港及深圳臨床社會工作督導
- 兒童及青少年精神健康
- Ho, W. M. (2020) ‘Medicating my son to heal my wife and compromise with school’: Paternal accounts of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and medication in Hong Kong. Asia Pacific Journal of Social Work and Development. Online version on 12 June 2020, https://doi.org/10.1080/02185385.2020.1775113
- Ho, H.W. M., Lai, J.L.C., & Lai, K.Y.C. (2020). Power relations in a school context: Resistance of Chinese caregivers of school-aged children with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. International Social Work. Online version on 10 March 2020, https://doi.org/10.1177/0020872819896825
- Lau, Y.K. and Ho, W.M. (2018). Family-centered kindergarten social work services in Hong Kong: A pilot project. Asian Social Work Policy Review, 12 (2), 1-11.
- Ho, W.M. (2014). Are rights-based child and adolescent mental health services and policy evident in the Hong Kong Chinese context? American International Journal of Social Science, 3 (4), 26-34.
- Ho, H.W.M. (2019). Paternal accounts of mental health services for children with ADHD in Hong Kong. Paper presentation at the 9th International Conference on Social Work in Health and Mental Health in York, UK, 22-26 July, 2019.
- Ho, H.W.M. (2018). Maternal perspectives of service needs for school-aged children with ADHD and their families in Hong Kong. Paper presentation at the Joint World Conference on Social Work, Education and Social Development in Dublin, Ireland, 4-7 July, 2018.
- Ho, H. W. M. (2017). Family interaction with ecosystems in Chinese families of children with mental health needs. Paper presentation at the 25th World Family Therapy Congress organized by the International Family Therapy Association in Malaga, Spain, 15-18 March, 2017.
- Ng, K. L. & Ho, H. W. M. (2016). White-haired mourning the dark-haired: The subjective accounts of aged Chinese mothers in facing cancer death of adult child. Paper presentation at the 24th World Family Therapy Congress organized by the International Family Therapy Association in Hawaii, USA, 30 March-2 April, 2016.
- 何慧明,陳煜丹 (2019)。找快樂的孩子--快樂與卓越並行的教養。香港:紅出版(青森文化)。
- Lau, Y.K., Ho, W.M., & Lam, T.H. (Dec, 2014). Evaluation research on “Character-based Kindergarten Social Work Service”. Research Report. 69 pgs. Hong Kong: The Boys’ Brigade, Hong Kong.
Sept 2013-Nov 2014. Evaluation research on Character-based kindergarten social work service. PI: Dr. Lau Yuk King; CI: Ho Wai Ming. The Boys' Brigade, Hong Kong.