BSoc. (CUHK), Ph.D (HKU), RSW, FT (Fellow in Thanatology: Death, Dying and Bereavement), Diplomate of Logotherapy (Clinican) 3943 1518Email住址會使用灌水程式保護機制。你需要啟動Javascript才能觀看它
- 死亡、臨終及喪親
- 醫療保健社會工作
- 老年學
- 意義治療(Logotherapy)
- 意義為本研究及介入
- 實務為本研究
- 臨床數據挖掘
- Chan, W. C. H. (2020). Future provision of home end-of-life care: Family carers' willingness for caregiving and needs for support. Palliative and Supportive Care, 1-7. doi:10.1017/S1478951520001273
- Chan, W. C. H., Tin, A. F., & Yu, T. K. (2020). Professional quality of life, depression, and meaning in life among helping professionals: The moderating role of self-competence in death work, Death Studies, DOI: 10.1080/07481187.2020.1793431
- Chan, W. C. H., Chan, S. O., Wong, A. L. Y., & Ng, P. K. L. (2020). Communication with family concerning body donation in Hong Kong: what do we know? Health & Social Care in the Community, 28, 1817-1826. DOI: 10.1111/hsc.13008
- Chan, W. C. H., Tin, A, F., and Wong, A. L. Y. (2019). Moderating effects of meaning in life on the relationship between depression and self-competence in death work among helping professionals. Death Studies. DOI: 10.1080/07481187.2019.1671541
- Chan, W. C. H., Chan, S. O., Wong, A. L. Y., & Ng, P. K. L. (2019). Understanding family involvement in body donation in Hong Kong: A qualitative study of registered donors and bereaved family members. Health & Social Care in the Community, 28, 270-278. DOI:10.1111/hsc.12861
- Chan, W.C.H. (2017). Assessing meaning in life in social work practice: Validation of Meaning in Life Questionnaire among clinical samples. British Journal of Social Work, 47(1), 9–27. doi:10.1093/bjsw/bcv144
- Chan, W. C. H., Tin, A. F., & Wong, K. L. Y. (2017). Effectiveness of an experiential workshop for enhancing helping professionals' self-competence in death work in Hong Kong: A randomized controlled trial. Health and Social Care in the Community, 25(3), 1070-1079. doi: 10.1111/hsc.12407.
- Chan, W. C. H., Chan, C. L. F., & Suen, M. (2013). Validation of the Chinese version of the Modified Caregivers Strain Index among Hong Kong caregivers: An initiative of medical social workers. Health and Social Work, 38(4), 214–221.
- Chan, W. C. H., & Tin, A. F. (2012). Beyond knowledge and skills: Self-competence in working with death, dying and bereavement. Death Studies, 36(10), 899–913.
- Chan, W. C. H. (2011). Being aware of the prognosis: How does it relate to palliative care patients' anxiety and communication difficulty with family members in the Hong Kong Chinese context? Journal of Palliative Medicine, 14(9), 997–1003.