
Academic (Journal Articles, Book Chapters, etc.)

Ngai, S.S.Y., Jiang S., Cheung, C.K., Tang, H.Y., Ngai, H.L., & Ng, Y.H. (2021). Measuring development of self-help organizations for patients with chronic health conditions in Hong Kong: Development and validation of the Self-Help Organization Development Scale (SHODS). International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18, 1351.
Ngai, S.S.Y., Jiang, S., Cheung, C.K., Wang, L., & Tang, H.Y. (2021). Trust in mutual aid group members, self-management of chronic illness, and well-being among young patients with chronic illness in Hong Kong. Children and Youth Services Review, 130, 106240.
Guo, H., & Ngai, S.S.Y. (2021). Validation of the Generative Acts Scale-Chinese Version (GAS-C) among middle-aged and older adults as grandparents in mainland China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18, 9950.
Ngai, S.S.Y., Cheung, C.K., Ng, Y.H., Tang, H.Y., Ngai, H.L., & Wong, K.H.C. (2020). Development and validation of the chronic illness self-management (CISM) scale: Data from a young patient sample in Hong Kong. Children and Youth Services Review. Advance Online Publication.
Liu, Y., & Ngai, S.S.Y. (2020). Social capital, self-efficacy, and healthy identity development among Chinese adolescents with and without economic disadvantages. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 29, 3198–3210.
Huang, D., & Ngai, S.S.Y. (2020). Decision-making, abortion narratives and identity construction towards abortion among rural–urban single migrant women in mainland China: Insights for social work practice and education. International Social Work. Advance Online Publication.
Xie, H., & Ngai, S.S.Y. (2020). Participant roles of peer bystanders in school bullying situations: Evidence from Wuhan, China. Children and Youth Services Review. Advance Online Publication.
Liu, Y., & Ngai, S.S.Y. (2019). The Impact of social capital, self-efficacy, and resilience on the prosocial involvement of adolescents from families with and without economic disadvantages. Child Indicators Research. Advance Online Publication.
To, S. M., Lam, C. M., & So, Y. Y. (2019). A qualitative study of rural-to-urban migrant Chinese mothers’ experiences in mother-child interactions and self-evaluation. Applied Research in Quality of Life. https://doi/.org/10.1007/s11482-019-9704-x
To, S.M. (2019). Are there any differences in the work experiences of local and rural-to-urban migrant female factory workers? An exploratory study in Guangzhou, China. International Journal of Social Science & Humanity, 9(3), 75-80.

Cui, K., & To, S. M. (2019). Migrant status, social support, and bullying perpetration of children in mainland China. Children and Youth Services Review.

Yu, M., Qi, C. Y., & To, S. M. (2019). The Evolution and Involution of Service Provision: Interactional Understanding of the Welfare of Urban Youth with Disabilities in China. Children and Youth Services Review

Baig, R. (2018). Civil and political participation and minority rights protection under human rights rhetoric in East Asia. Routledge Handbook of Human Rights in Asia.
Ngai, S.S.Y., Cheung, C.K., Xie, L., Ng, Y.H., Ngai, H.L., Liu, Y., & Ho, J.C.M. (2018). Psychometric properties of the Parental Bonding Instrument: Data from a Chinese adolescent sample in Hong Kong. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 27, 2112–2124. (SSCI)
Ngai, S.S.Y., Xie, L., Ng, Y.H., & Ngai, H.L. (2018). The effects of parenting behavior on prosocial behavior of Chinese adolescents in Hong Kong. Children and Youth Services Review, 87, 154–162. (SSCI)
Chan, C.T., & Ngai, S.S.Y. (2018). Utilizing social media for social work: insights from clients in online youth services. Journal of Social Work Practice. Advance online publication. (SSCI)
Yuan R., & Ngai, S.S.Y. (2018). Generating identity capital from family capital and personal agency: A mediation analysis. Journal of Adult Development. Advance online publication. (SSCI)

To, S.M., Kwok, C.M., So, Y.Y., & Yan, M.W. (2018). Parent education for migrant mothers of left-behind children in China: A pilot randomized controlled trial. Family Process, 58(2), 318-333. (SSCI)

To, S.M., So, Y.Y., & Kwok, C.M. (2018). Meaning-making of motherhood among rural-to-urban migrant Chinese mothers of left-behind children. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 27, 3358-3370. 
Yu, M., & To, S.M. (2018). Exploring the identity constitution and identity capital of youth with physical disabilities: A qualitative study in mainland China. Children and Youth Services Review, 96,163-171.

To, S. M.(2018). Parental self-esteem, parent–child relationships, and authoritative parenting of Chinese migrant parents of left‐behind children: Implications for social policy and services. Asian Social Work and Policy Review, 12(3), 183-190.

To, S.M., Tam, H.L., & Kwok, C.M. (2018). Qualitative analysis of rural-to-urban migrant Chinese mothers’ perceived outcomes and experiences in a parent support and education programme with an existential-narrative approach. China Journal of Social Work, 11(2), 167-185.

Baig, R. (2017). The power to change: Muslim women’s rights movement and the resistance towards gender-based violence. China Journal of Social Work, 9(3), 200-217.
Dai, H., Lau, Y., & Lee, K. (2017). The paradox of integration: Work-integration social enterprises (WISE) and productivist welfare regime in Hong Kong. VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations, 28(6), 2614-2632.
Liu, J., Dai, H. (Corresponding Author), Li, M. & Li, M. (2017). Personal networks and employment: A study on landless farmers in Yunnan Province of China. Asia Pacific Journal of Social Work and Development. doi: 10.1080/02185385.2017.1408029 (SSCI)
Chen, W. & Wong, H. (2017). Combination of “output & outcome”&“Risk sharing”of long term care system: An explanatory framework of co-governance (長期照護制度中的“績效同構”與“風險共擔”:一個“協同治理”的解釋框架). Zhejiang Academic Journal (浙江學刊), 2017(2), 21-28. (in Chinese) (CSSCI)
Wong, H. (2017). Poverty in a Rich Society. In K.W. Lau & D. Gordon (Eds.), Poverty in a rich city: The case of Hong Kong (pp.179-202). Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press.
Baig, R. (2016).香港種族共融政策下的社會工作.民族社會工作研究文集.
Dai, H. (2016). From Personal Ties to Village Welfare: Changing Community Bonding in Post-Socialist Rural China. Community Development Journal.
Dai, H. (2016). The making of "modern female workers" in reemployment programs in post-socialist China. Social Service Review, 90(2), 235-263. (SSCI)
Dai, H. & Xie, W. (2016). Community and inequality: One-yuan Elder Home in rural Zhejiang Province of China. Journal of Social Service Research, 42(1), 15-25.
Dai, H. (2016). Decentralization and village welfare systems: Community bonding in post-socialist China. HKU-USC-IPPA Conference on Public Policy, Hong Kong SAR, China.
Leung, T.T.F. (2016). The welfare service practitioners’ perception of their power position in the user participation imperative. Asia Pacific Journal of Social Work and Development, 26(4), 231-244. (SSCI)
梁芷芳、林澤龍、陳健麗合著 (2016) 。「經驗為本協作模式」實用手冊。
Ngai, S.S.Y., Cheung, C.K., Yuan, R., & Lin, S. (2016). Work motivation of unemployed youths: Moderating effects of financial dependence on parents. Children and Youth Services Review, 71, 157–165. (SSCI)
Ngai, S.S.Y., Cheung, C.K., & Yuan, R. (2016). Effects of vocational training on unemployed youths’ work motivation and work engagement: Mediating roles of training adequacy and self-actualization. Children and Youth Services Review, 63, 93-110. (SSCI)
Cheung, C.K., & Ngai, S.S.Y. (2016). Reducing deviance through youths’ mutual aid group dynamics. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 60, 82-98. (SSCI)
黃丹、倪錫欽 (2016)。 臺灣青少女懷孕防治政策及對大陸的啟示。青年探索, 5,106-112。(CSSCI)
To, S.M., & Chan, W.C.H. (2016). Psychometric evaluation of the Chinese Version of the Existential Anxiety Questionnaire in a sample of Chinese adolescents living in Hong Kong. Child & Youth Care Forum, 45, 487-503. (SSCI)
To, S.M., & Tam, H.L. (2016). Work values, perceived job rewards and life outcomes of the new generation of Chinese migrant labourers’ in Guangzhou, China: Implications for social work practice. British Journal of Social Work, 46, 27-45. (SSCI)
Lau, Y.K. & Wong, H. (2016). Statutory minimum wage in Hong Kong: a family impact analysis. Journal of Family Studies. (SSCI)
Liu, X. & Wong, H. (2016). The reform of the medical welfare system and health equity for the elderly in China: A study in Zhejiang. The Journal of Chinese Sociology, 2016(3):6.
Liu, X., Wong, H. & Liu, K. (2016). Outcome-based health equity across different social health insurance schemes for the elderly in China. BMC Health Services Research, 16(9), 1-12.
Baig, R. and O'Connor, P. (2015). Hong Kong Muslims self-representation in Cantonese: An oriental Orientalism? Asian Anthropology. 14(1): 67–78. (50:50)
Chen, J., Davis, D., Wu, K., & Dai, H. (2015). Life Satisfaction in Urban China: The Effect of City Size and Pathways to Urban Residency. Cities.
Leung, T.T.F. (2015). Harmony and social work practice. In James D. Wright (editor-in-chief), International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, 2nd edition, Vol 10. Oxford: Elsevier. pp. 529–535.
Leung, T.T.F. (2015). Response to Shaw and Lunt on 'Developing Good Practitioner Research'. China Journal of Social Work 8(1), 17-18
Leung, T.T.F. & Tam H.T.C (2015). The "person-centred" rhetoric in Socialist China. British Journal of Social Work 45(5), 1489-1507.
Ngai, S.S.Y. (2015). Parental bonding and character strengths among Chinese adolescents in Hong Kong. International Journal of Adolescence and Youth. Advance online publication. doi:10.1080/02673843.2015.1007879
To, S.M., Iu Kan, S.M., & Ngai, S.S.Y. (2015). Interaction effects between exposure to sexually explicit online materials and individual, family, and extra-familial factors on Hong Kong high school students' beliefs about gender role equality and body-centered sexuality. Youth & Society, 47(6), 747-768.
Liu, X. & Wong, H. (2015). The reform of medical care system and health equity for the elderly population in China:A study in Zhejiang. Sociological Studies (社會學研究), 2015(4), 94-117. (CSSCI) (in Chinese)
Huang, Y., Wong, H., & Tan, N. T. (2015). Associations between economic loss, financial strain and the psychological status of Wenchuan earthquake survivors. Disaster, 39(4), 795-810.
Dai, H. (2014). The Discontents of Reform: Boundary Work and Welfare Stigma at Mixed Elder Homes in China. Journal of Social Policy, 43(3), 497-515.
Dai, H. (2014). To Build an Extended Family: Feminist Organizational Design and its Dilemmas in Women-Led Non-Governmental Elder Homes in China. Social Forces, 92(3), 1115-1134.
Dai, H. (2014). Care for Whom: Diverse Institutional Orientations of Non-governmental Elder Homes in Contemporary China. British Journal of Social Work, 44(7), 1914-1933. doi:10.1093/bjsw/bct058.
Leung, T.T.F. & Lam, B.C.L. (2014). Challenges in Partnership with the Mental Health Service Users in Service Planning and Management. Human Service Organizations Management, Leadership & Governance 38(4), 320-335.
梁芷芳 (2014). 老齡服務使用者參與研究「如何推動服務使用者參與服務管理」, 載於候伊莎編,《創新社會養老服務的理論與實踐》 第一版 頁203-209, 中國: 中國社會出版社「促進服務使用者參與」- 行動研究的發現 (2014), 《香港明愛安老服務通訊》 第23期, 2-4 頁. 香港特別行政區: 香港明愛安老服務
Ngai, S.S.Y., Cheung, J.C.K., To, S.M., Luan, H., & Zhao, R. (2014). Economic disadvantage and transitional outcomes: a study of young people from low-income families in Hong Kong. International Journal of Adolescence and Youth, 19(3), 318-335.
To, S.M., & Iu Kan, S.M. (2014). Gender differences in the patterns and psychosocial correlates of Hong Kong Chinese adolescents'exposureto sexually explicit online materials: Implications for sex education in the Chinese context. In M.C. Kenny (Ed.), Sex Education: Attitudes of Adolescents, Cultural Differences and Schools'Challenge (pp. 187-218). Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers.
To, S.M., Tam, H.L., Ngai, S.S.Y., & Sung, W.L. (2014). Sense of meaningfulness, sources of meaning, and self-evaluation of economically disadvantaged youth in Hong Kong: Implications for youth development programs. Children & Youth Services Review, 47, 352-361.
Saunders, P., Wong, H., & Wong, W. P. (2014). Signposting disadvantage – social exclusion in Hong Kong. Journal of Asian Public Policy, 7(1), 3-7.
Wong, H., & Ye, S. (2014). Impact of enforcing a statutory minimum wage on work and quality of life of vulnerable groups in Hong Kong. International Journal of Social Welfare, 2015(24), 223-235. (SSCI)
Saunders, P., Wong, H., & Wong, W. P. (2014). Deprivation and Poverty in Hong Kong. Social Policy & Administration, 48(5), 556-575. (SSCI)
Chen, W., & Wong, H. (2014). Urban Community Governance: Middle-range theory's construction and risk management system's exploration. Social Sciences in Nanjing (南京社會科學), 2014(12), 72-78. (CSSCI) (in Chinese)
Huang, Y., & Wong, H. (2014). Impacts of Sense of Community and Satisfaction with Governmental Recovery on Psychological Status of the Wenchuan Earthquake Survivors. Social Indicators Research, 117(2), 421,436. (SSCI)
Chen, W., & Wong, H. (2014). Urban Community Governance: Middle-range theory's construction and risk management system's exploration. Social Sciences in Nanjing, 2014(12), 72-78. (CSSCI) (in Chinese)
Huang, Y., Wong, H., & Tan, N. T. (2014). Chinese cultural beliefs of adversity, income recovery and psychological status of Wenchuan earthquake survivors. Social Work in Mental Health, 12(4), 343-364
Chen, J.K. (Under Review). Cyber bullying among secondary school students in Hong Kong. Submitted to School Psychology International (SSCI).
Chen, J. K. (Under Review). The mediation role of social support from parents, teachers and peers in the relations between school victimization and psychological distress among school students in Taiwan, Hong Kong and Mainland China. Submitted to Child Abuse and Neglect (SSCI).
Chen, J. K. (Under Review). The effects of academic and school factors, delinquent peers, and quality of interaction with peers and teachers on school violence in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Mainland China. Submitted to Journal of School Psychology (SSCI).

Newspaper column

(Newspaper column by Baig, R.) 。AM730 (Regular weekly column 「依理直說」) 。
(Press conference by Wong, H.) (1 June 2017) 。「低收入在職家庭津貼計劃」研究記者會。香港:明報新聞網、頭條日報、文匯報、東方日報、信報財經新聞、大公報、香港經濟日報、明報、星島日報。
(Newspaper column by Wong, H.) (30 April 2017) 。立法會退休保障事宜小組委員會退保融資安排。香港:蘋果日報、 東方日報、星島日報、成報。
(Newspaper column by Wong, H.) (22 January 2017) 。「衰仔紙」提早取消 最快年初六落實 收緊申綜援年齡 多個團體齊反對。 香港:星島日報 。
(Newspaper column by Wong, H.) (22 January 2017) 。「衰仔紙」提早取消 最快年初六落實 收緊申綜援年齡 多個團體齊反對。 香港:星島日報 。


(Article in Magazine by Baig, R.) (2017, March). “The rise of China and the threat towards rights-based social work practice”. Professional Social Work. British Association of Social Workers.