


CCS in Social Media

Centre for China Studies
Our GBA Research Initiative is organizing a talk series, the first one is “Financial Services Sector and Accounting Profession: Sharing on Growth and Opportunities that GBA Brings”, which will be held at 4:30pm, 22 Nov 2021 (Mon) in YIA LY8. Interest students, please scan the QR code to register! 

#CUHK #CentreforChinaStudies #CUHKChineseStudies #StudyChina #HongKong #GBARI #GBATalkSeries
Check out our next Webinar on 24 Nov, 1200pm (HKT) by Prof. Linh VU from Arizona State University! The topic is “The Civilianization of War in Twentieth-Century China”. Register by clicking in Bio!

#CUHK #CentreforChinaStudies #CUHKChineseStudies #StudyChina #HongKong #ZoomWebinar #CCSWebinarSeries
Our next talk, which is co-organized with CUHK Gender Studies Programme, will feature guest speaker Prof. Hongwei Bao, Associate Professor from University of Nottingham. He will talk about the topic “Contemporary Chinese Queer Cinema: From Celluloid Comrades to Digital Video Activism” on 8 Nov, 4:30-6pm on Zoom.

Register by scanning the QR code or clicking link in bio!

#CUHK #CentreforChinaStudies #CUHKChineseStudies #StudyChina #HongKong #ZoomWebinar #CCSWebinarSeries