Course Code and Name: SEEM4750/ ESTR4510 Advances in Logistics and Supply Chain Management
Course Objectives:

This course covers the advanced topics in logistics and supply chain management. In particular, it uses comprehensive models to describe, and hence explore the optimal strategies in, various important logistics and supply chain management problems. The topics include customer service, channels of distribution, transportation, vehicle routing and scheduling, freight consolidation, facility location and network planning, storage. This course also introduces important practice in logistics and supply chain management, such as material handling systems, information systems for order processing and inventory tracking, purchasing and supply scheduling, business process re-engineering, third-party logistics, and global logistics.
Course Outcomes:

Upon completion of the course, students will:
1. understand the characteristics of logistics industry in Hong Kong.
2. be familiar with the major decision issues in air, sea and land transport.
3. be able to assess a shipment/logistics/distribution solution.
4. be able to formulate a practical problem setting into a mathematical model, know how to solve it and understand the underlying assumptions and therefore its limitations and applicability.
5. understand commonly used methods for practical problems.
6. be competent to associate industrial initiatives/new practices with basic concepts in logistics management.
Programme Outcomes:
(P1) The ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering appropriate to the degree discipline (K/S)
(P2) The ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data (K/S)
(P3) The ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints, such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability and sustainability (K/S)
(P4) The ability to function in multi-disciplinary teams (S/V)
(P5) The ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems (K/S)
(P6) The understanding of professional and ethical responsibility (V)
(P7) The ability to communicate effectively (S)
(P8) The ability to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal context, especially the importance of health, safety and environmental considerations to both workers and the general public (V)
(P9) The ability to recognize the need for, and to engage in life-long learning (V)
(P10) The ability to stay abreast of contemporary issues (S/V)
(P11) The ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice appropriate to the degree discipline (K/S)
(P12) The ability to use the computer/IT tools relevant to the discipline along with an understanding of their processes and limitations (K/S/V)
(P13) The ability to apply the skills relevant to the discipline of operations research and information technology and their applications in engineering and managerial decision making, especially in financial services, logistics and supply chain management, business information systems, and service engineering and management (K/S)

K = Knowledge outcomes
S = Skills outcomes
V = Values and attitude outcomes

Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management, CUHK