CodeCourse OfferingSEEM3630/ ESTR3510
TitleLong Course TitleService Management服務營運的管理
OverviewLong Description Overview of the operations functions of service organizations. Examination of methods for designing and operating service delivery systems in the health care, financial, hospitality, telecommunication, and logistics industry. Discussion on service strategy, services for individual and corporate customers, service technologies, process and facility design, management of waiting lines, demand forecasting, demand and supply management, service quality, staffing and scheduling.服務機構營運及操作的概要。檢視各種在保健、金融、旅遊、電訊及物流行業所使用的服務提供系統的設計和運作方法。探討下列課題─服務策略、個人及企業的服務、服務科技、程序及設施的設計、等候行列的管理、需求的預測、需求及供應的管理、服務的素質、人員配備及調度。
Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management, CUHK