CodeCourse OfferingSEEM3620/ ESTR3514
TitleLong Course TitleIntroduction to Logistics and Supply Chain Management物流與供應鏈管理入門
OverviewLong Description Logistics and Supply Chain Management involves various flows (e.g., materials flow and information flow) among all of the entities that contribute value to a product, from the source of raw materials to end customers. This course will focus on the basic concepts, models and techniques for effective strategic management of an integrated and coordinated supply chain. The emphasis is on recognizing key tradeoffs, analyzing system characteristics, and understanding effectiveness of tactics such as risk pooling, inventory policies, collaboration, and information sharing.物流與供應鏈管理涉及如何管理材料流通,信息流通等各種各樣的在鏈條裡的流通。這些流通在物流與供應鏈裡廣泛存在,從原材料供應一直到終端顧客的各個相關方之間都極大地影響著整個系統之表現。本科著眼於為能進行有效管理物流與供應鏈而必須掌握的基本概念,模型,以及技術。主題包括發現關鍵權衡,分析系統特性,理解各種策略(例如風險共擔,庫存控制,合作,以及信息共享等)的有效性。
Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management, CUHK