
2022/23年度学费为港币148,000元正(有待大学正式批准)。遇以下特殊情况,则将额外收取每科目港币18,125元 (参考2021/22年度)的费用︰  


每年学费分两期支付,分别于第一学期(九月底) 及第二学期(一月底)缴交,财务处将于付款到期日前约两周向学生发送通知。另外,获录取的学生须于正式录取通知书发出后的两周内缴交港币40,000元的留位费,费用将用以抵消第一期学费。








U.S. Federal Student Financial Aid Program (本部份只提供英文版本)

US students attending our Programme can apply for The William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan Program (Direct Loan Program) to help pay their educational expenses. The Federal School Code for CUHK is G22074. Students who plan to apply for the Direct Loan Program should contact the Scholarships and Financial Aid Section at sfas@cuhk.edu.hk or (852) 3943-1716 to discuss their needs. Please click here for application details.


Asian Future Leaders Scholarship Program (本部份只提供英文版本)

Every year the Asian Future Leaders Scholarship Program (AFLSP) supports Asian students to pursue master degrees in selected universities, including the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Interested applicants can click here to find more information.