Term Time Exchange

Before Your Exchange

Student Visa
If you do not have a Hong Kong Permanent Identity Card, you will need to apply for a student visa from the Hong Kong Immigration Department through the Office of Academic Links (OAL), your local sponsor, before coming to Hong Kong.

It usually takes five to seven weeks for the Immigration Department to process a student visa or entry-permit application; therefore, you should submit your visa application to the OAL at least two months before the commencement of the orientation week.

Conditions of Stay
While you are in Hong Kong, you should:

  • Abide Hong Kong laws
  • Enrol as a student in the International Asian Studies Programme or the International Summer School at the Chinese University of Hong Kong ONLY
  • Not take up any employment, whether paid or unpaid, or establish or join any business
  • Leave Hong Kong when your visa expires

For more details, please refer to Conditions of Stay on page 9 of the Guidebook for Entry for Study in Hong Kong.

Visa Application Procedures
Go through the instructions on this page carefully before completing your visa application forms.

Step 1 Complete and send the application form, supporting documents and payment to us.
Download the form and documents (together with a guide) below:
For non-Business Administration Master’s Programme Exchange and Study-abroad Students
For Business Administration Master’s Programme Exchange and Study-abroad Students
Step 2 We will submit the application to the Hong Kong Immigration Department for processing.
Step 3 The Hong Kong Immigration Department will inform us the result of your application in 6 to 8 weeks. If approved, we will collect and courier the visa label to you.
We will confirm the address with you by email before shipping. If you do not confirm the delivery address on or before a specific date, we will send the label to the address indicated on the “Application for Student Visa Sponsorship” form.
Step 4 Stick the visa label onto a blank page of your valid passport or travel document.
Step 5 When you arrive in Hong Kong, present the visa label together with your valid passport or travel document to the immigration officer to activate student status. Make sure that the immigration officer gives you a landing slip showing that “Student – Permitted to remain until (a student status due date in a format of DD-MM-YYYY)”. You should retain the landing slip, which is a proof of your activated student status in Hong Kong.
When you receive the visa label, you must apply for an Exit-entry Permit for Traveling to and from Hong Kong and Macao(来往港澳通行证)and Relevant Exit Endorsement(相关赴港签注)from the Public Security Bureau Office(户口所在地公安机关出入境管理部门)where your household registration is kept before departure for Hong Kong.

The HKSAR government does not recognise Taiwan passports. If the Hong Kong Immigration Department approves a visa application from a student holding a Taiwan passport, it will issue an entry permit that the student can use as a travel document to enter Hong Kong. If you have a Taiwan passport and want to travel abroad while studying in Hong Kong, you will need to apply in person for a Multiple Entry Permit at the Hong Kong Immigration Department before leaving Hong Kong, or your student visa will expire immediately.

Hong Kong Permanent Identity Card
If you have a Hong Kong Permanent Identity Card, you do not need to apply for a student visa. You will need to submit photocopies of both sides of your ID card to us.

If you have the Right of Abode or the Right to Land in Hong Kong, but do not have a permanent ID card, you are still required to apply for a student visa before coming to Hong Kong. After arrival, you should apply for a permanent ID card in person at the Hong Kong Immigration Department. Visit the website of the Hong Kong Immigration Department for more information.

Visa and HKID FAQs

  1. Can I study in Hong Kong?
    To check whether you can study in Hong Kong, please refer to Hong Kong’s immigration guidelines. Please note that Hong Kong’s immigration policy does not allow nationals of some countries to study in the city.
  2. Do I need a visa to study in Hong Kong?
    Yes, unless you have a Hong Kong Permanent Identity Card.
  3. When should I apply for a student visa?
    Two months before the orientation programme starts.
  4. How do I apply for a student visa?
    Please refer to the Application Procedures.
  5. Where should I submit my student visa application?
    You should submit your visa application to the International Asian Studies Programme, Office of Academic Links i-Centre, 1/F, Yasumoto International Academic Park, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Sha Tin, NT, Hong Kong SAR.
  6. Why do I need to submit my student visa application through the OAL?
    Student visa applications must be nominated and/or sponsored by a local institution, in this case CUHK. Sending an Application for Student Visa Sponsorship form to the OAL confirms that you are asking the university to act as your sponsor.
  7. What kind of documents do I need to submit?
    Please refer to the Guidance Notes.
  8. How long does the application process take?
    It normally takes five to seven weeks after the Hong Kong Immigration Department has received your student visa application.
  9. What should I do if I lose my student visa label?
    You should contact the OAL immediately for help in obtaining a replacement.
  10. How do I apply for a dependent visa for my family?
    The OAL does not help students to apply for dependent visas. You can find information about applying for dependent visas at the Hong Kong Immigration Department website.
  11. Do I need to apply for a student visa if I have a dependent visa?
    No, as long as your dependent visa is valid for at least seven days after your studies at CUHK are due to end.

  1. How do I activate my student visa?
    Presenting your visa at the immigration counter when you arrive in Hong Kong will activate the visa. Make sure the Immigration officer stamps your passport or travel document with the words “Student – permitted to remain until [the date your visa ends]”.
  2. How do I check if my student visa is valid?
    Make sure the date indicated on the student visa stamp on your passport or travel document has not passed.
  3. Do I need to provide any evidence that I am allowed to study in Hong Kong to the OAL?
    Yes, you need to present the OAL with your Hong Kong Permanent Identity Card or the page of your passport with the student visa stamp or dependent visa.
  4. Do I need to apply for a multiple entry permit if I want to travel outside Hong Kong while I’m at CUHK?
    Only if you hold a Taiwan passport. Click here for details.
  5. What should I do if I lost my passport?
    • Report the loss to the Hong Kong Police Force and obtain a loss report
    • Inform your consulate in Hong Kong and apply for a new passport
    • Ask the OAL to issue a letter certifying that you are studying at CUHK
    • Take your new passport, the OAL letter and the loss report to the Extension Section, Hong Kong Immigration Department, 5th Floor, Immigration Tower, Wan Chai to apply for the endorsement of your student visa to be transferred to the new passport.
  6. Can I apply for a Hong Kong Identity Card?
    If you have a valid student visa and are planning to stay in Hong Kong for more than 180 days, you can apply for a HKID Card at the Hong Kong Immigration Department.
  7. Can I travel to mainland China with my student visa?
    Only if you are a Chinese citizen, or a holder of a Singapore, Brunei or Japan passport. If you plan to travel to mainland China while you are in Hong Kong, you should apply for a double- or multiple-entry mainland China Tourist Visa at the nearest Chinese Embassy before you come to Hong Kong. You can also apply after you have arrived in Hong Kong through China Travel Service (H.K.) Limited or the Department of Consular Affairs of the Office of the Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China in the HKSAR.
    China Travel Service (H.K.) Limited
    Department of Consular Affairs of the Office of the Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China
  8. How do I apply for a tourist visa for another country?
    The OAL does not help students to apply for tourist visas. Consult your country’s consulate for application details; you can find information about consulates in Hong Kong here.
  9. When do I need to extend my student visa?
    If you have extended your time at CUHK, you will need to extend your student visa. OAL will prepare a certifying letter, which you should use to apply for an extension at the Hong Kong Immigration Department one month before your student visa expires.
  10. Can I take up employment or internships while I am studying at CUHK?
    No. Students cannot take up any form of employment, whether paid or unpaid, or establish or join any business while they’re studying at CUHK. Please refer to Conditions of Stay on page 8 of the Guidebook for Entry for Study in Hong Kong for details.
  11. If I have any further questions, what should I do?
    Contact the Office of Academic Links by phone at (852) 3943-7597, by fax at (852) 2603-5045 or by email at iasp@cuhk.edu.hk.

Student Registration

You will need to register as a new student before coming to Hong Kong. This should be done around late July to early August for the first term, and late November to early December for the second term.

Step 1 Set up Internet Explorer
Since the system only supports English, please use Internet Explorer and set it to English by clicking Tools > Internet Options > Languages, then move English to the top and click OK.
Step 2 View step-by-step video guide
The following videos contain important information about how to register:
Computer-Based Training for Student Computing Accounts Collection System
Computer-Based Training for Online Registration for New Students
Step 3 Prepare your personal information

  1. Log in to your IASP online application form and mark your application number, which will be shown on the My Application page once you start to fill out your application; the email address you used to create your online application form; and your date of birth
  2. Prepare your V-code, which will be sent to you from the University through email with the subject ‘The v-code for verification in Student Computing Accounts Collection System (SCACS)’
  3. Prepare a recent photo in JPEG format of up to 1MB, which will be printed on your student ID card. Click here for details.
  4. Scan of your passport, HKID card or other identity document in JPEG format of up to 5MB
Step 4 & 5 Collect your computing accounts information and complete the online student record form
Click here for a detailed guide.