
Professor Helen Meng has been awarded a grant of HKD4million from the Research Grants Council Central Allocation.

2003 January

Professor Helen Meng has been awarded a grant of HKD4 million from the Research Grants Council Central Allocation.

The project is entitled, “Towards Multi-Modal Human-Computer Dialog Interactions with Minimally Intrustive Biometic Security Functions” and aims to develop multi-modal authentication technologies to secure human-computer mixed-initiative multi-modal dialog interactions. Co-investigators of the project include professors across departments within CUHK as well as from HKUST and Polytechnic University — Professors P.C. Ching (Department of EE, CUHK), T. Lee (Department of EE, CUHK), Y.S.Moon (Department of CSE, CUHK), X. Tang (Department of IE, CUHK), M.W. Mak (Department of EIE, PolyU), B. Mak (Department of CS, HKUST) and M.H. Siu (Department of EEE, HKUST).

Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management, CUHK