Receiving awards in the 47th International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva in April 2019.

Congratulations to SEEM members of receiving awards in the 47th International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva in April 2019

Congratulations to SEEM members of receiving awards in the 47th International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva in April 2019. | Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management (SEEM), CUHK

Congratulations to SEEM members of receiving awards in the 47th International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva in April 2019.  The information of the winning projects are as follows:

Gold Medal

Team member: Nezha (by Dr. Gabriel FUNG, from the Department of Systems Engineering & Engineering Management, Faculty of Engineering, with technology licensed by CUHK)

Project: Nezha – an AI-driven Checkbot for proof reading Chinese

Nezha is an AI-driven Chinese language Checkbot to help people proofread Chinese. It is built from a proprietary data algorithm using advanced natural language processing (NLP) technology. Its lexicon contains billions of Chinese vocabulary (more than 100GB). The name is taken from the God “Nezha” in the Chinese novel “Creation of the Gods” in terms of its power to identify various mistakes and to make appropriate corrections. Nezha conducts its work on the cloud. It is the first of its kind in the market with its advantages of high accuracy, fast analytic time and ease to use.

Silver Medal and Prize of the Ministry of Scientific Research and Innovation – Romania

Team members: Prof. WONG Kam Fai, Dr. Gabriel FUNG, Mr. Bo LI and Mr. Felix LIU, from the Department of Systems Engineering & Engineering Management, Faculty of Engineering

Project: SAMUL – A Toolkit for Sentiment Analysis for Multilanguage Application

SAMUL is a multilingual sentiment analysis toolkit. Given a specific topic, SAMUL will search, analyse, organise and report the related information from the designated social media and websites using natural language processing (NLP) and big data analytic technology. The analysis by SAMUL includes extracting the credibility, content and mood of the author of a message. Currently, SAMUL can read Cantonese, Mandarin and English, but can be extended to other alphabetic languages. During 2014–2016, the research team surveyed six of its major clients and the accumulated revenue boost made by SAMUL was USD$25 million. SAMUL is protected by 5 patents (three accepted and two pending).

Silver Prize

Team member: Prof. Cheng Chun Hung, former Professor, from the Department of Systems Engineering & Engineering Management, Faculty of Engineering; Director of Research and Technology Development, Logistics and Supply Chain Multitech R&D Centre

Project: Smart Traffic Light System on Dam Section of Tai Tam Road

The smart traffic lights system has solved the long-standing traffic deadlock and traffic jam at Tai Tam Road (Dam Section) in one go. It can detect vehicle types and dimensions, analyse the traffic flow and traffic queue length data, and then calculate the most effective green signal time according to the real-time traffic condition.

Team members: Prof. Cheng Chun Hung, former Professor, from the Department of Systems Engineering & Engineering Management, Faculty of Engineering and Director of Research and Technology Development, Logistics and Supply Chain Multitech R&D Centre; Mr. Tim Chan and Dr. Dorbin Ng, from the Department of Systems Engineering & Engineering Management, Faculty of Engineering

Project: Smart Landslide Detection System

Mountainous terrain covers 60% of the land area of Hong Kong, and landslides may happen under conditions of continuous rainfall. If early signs of debris flow are not detected, it might cause casualties and losses. A smart landslide detection system is developed to monitor real-time terrain conditions and transmit wireless data to the mobile devices of duty staff, using low-cost and low-energy sensing devices.

Left to Right: Prof. WONG Kam Fai, Dr. Gabriel FUNG
Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management, CUHK