Home People Teaching Staff LEUNG Po Kin



(852) 39434078


Room 220, 2/F, Science Centre North Block


  • PhD, Astronomy, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2010
  • MPhil, Physics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2002
  • BSc, Physics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2000


  • 2012-now, Lecturer, Physics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • 2010-2012, Postdoctoral Researcher, Physics, University of California, Santa Barbara

Research Interest:

  • Astrophysics
  • Compact Objects
  • Radiative Transfer

Selected Recent Publications:

  • C. F. Gammie and P. K. Leung, "A Formalism for Covariant Polarized Radiative Transport by Ray Tracing", Astrophysical Journal 752, 123 (2012).
  • P. K. Leung, C. F. Gammie, and S. C. Noble, "Numerical Calculation of Magnetobremsstrahlung Emission and Absorption Coefficients", Astrophysical Journal 737, 21 (2011).
  • M. Mościbrodzka, C. F. Gammie, J. C. Dolence, H. Shiokawa, and P. K. Leung, "Radiative Models of SGR A* from GRMHD Simulations", Astrophysical Journal 706, 497 (2009).
  • J. C. Dolence, C. F. Gammie, M. Mościbrodzka, and P. K. Leung, "grmonty: A Monte Carlo Code for Relativistic Radiative Transport", Astrophysical Journal Supplement 184, 387 (2009).
  • S. C. Noble, P. K. Leung, C. F. Gammie, and L. G. Book, "Simulating the Emission and Outflows from Accretion Discs", Classical and Quantum Gravity 24, S259.