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Global Partnerships in Over 40 Countries/Regions
Academic exchange activities have been essential to CUHK for over 50 years. Several academic ties were created between the constituent colleges of CUHK prior to the University’s establishment in 1963, such as the partnership that New Asia College formed with the Yale-China Association.
The University set up its first student exchange programme with the University of California System in 1965. Today, the University has formal partnerships with over 460 institutions in mainland China and abroad, covering academic collaborations, bilateral student exchanges, collaborative teaching programmes, research collaborations, faculty exchanges, among many other arrangements.
Forming Partnerships
The Office of Academic Links (OAL), as the secretariat to the Committee on Academic Links, serves as a clearing house for new partnerships and programmes. It helps to facilitate the development of new partnerships and programmes with institutions outside Hong Kong and ensure that all policies, mandates and resources are available to support the development.
OAL should be the first point of contact for new partnership agreements. The Office will provide advice on establishing new partnerships, as well as ensuring that proposed partnerships align with the University’s strategic directions. For partnerships with institutions in mainland China, Taiwan, and Macao, please consult with the China Engagement Office.
Units wishing to propose new academic partnerships may find the following resources useful:
- Flowchart for approving new academic partnerships
- Streamlined Procedure for Approval of New Academic Partnerships
- Memorandum of Understanding for General Collaboration template
For enquiries on partnership development and renewal, and to obtain MOU templates for student exchange and other types of partnerships, please contact Ms. Yvonne Heung of OAL