
Jockey Club MEL Institute Project: Certificate Training cum Mentored Practicum Augmented by an e-Learning Knowledge Hub

Project Team Members

Ngai Sek-yum, Steven (PI)
Cheung Chau-kiu (PI)
Kim Minseop (CI)
Cheng Qijin (CI)
Wong King-shui, Phyllis (CI)
Cui Jialiang, Angela (CI)
Leung Kit-ting, Joanne (CI)
Ho Wai-ming, Hannah (CI)

Duration 2019-2022
Funding body Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust
Amount HKD $13,303,372

Research on Development Model and Social Impact of Self Help Organizations in Hong Kong

Project Team Members

Ngai Sek-yum, Steven (PI)
Cheung Chau-kiu (CI)

Duration 2018-2020
Funding body Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation
Amount HKD $200,000

An Evaluation Study of the Student Counseling Services in Macau

Project Team Members

Ngai Sek-yum, Steven (PI)
Cheung Chau-kiu, To siu-ming, Leung Suk-man, Grace (CIs)

Duration 2015 – 2018 (on-going)
Funding body Education and Youth Affairs Bureau of the Macau SAR Government
Amount $871,130 (Macau Dollars)

Mutual Aid among Young People with Chronic Illness

Project Team Members

Ngai Sek-yum, Steven (PI)
Cheung Chau-kiu, To siu-ming (CIs)

Duration 2017 – 2020 (on-going)
Funding body Research Grant Council
Amount HK$854,424

"Life College" ― A Research and Service Development Project for Young Drug Abusers Who Are Either Unemployed or Working in High Risk Industries

Project Team Members

Ngai Sek-yum, Steven (PI)

Duration 2013 - 2016
Funding body Beat Drugs Fund Association
Amount HKD 4,050,789

Study on Street Sleepers in Sham Shui Po

Project Team Members

Wong Hung (PI)

Duration 2017 - 2018
Funding body Sham Shu Po District Board
Amount HKD 299,958

Impacts of the Implementing ‘Low-income Working Family Allowance’ (LIFA) on Labour Market Situation and Quality of Life of Low Income Working Families in Hong Kong

Project Team Members

Wong Hung (PI)
Zhang Yin, School of Communication, Hong Kong Baptist University (Co-I)

Duration 2016 - 2017
Funding body Central Policy Unit – Public Policy Research (PPR) Funding Scheme
Amount HKD 999,299

Study on Livelihood of Low Income Families in Hong Kong

Project Team Members

Wong Hung (PI)

Duration 2016
Funding body St. James Settlement
Amount HKD 279,700

Evaluation Study on Incentive Scheme to Further Encourage Comprehensive Social Security Assistance Recipients of the Integrated Employment Assistance Programme for Self-reliance to Secure Employment

Project Team Members

Wong Hung (PI)
Wong Yu-cheung (PI)
To Siu-ming, Policy 21 Limited (CI)

Duration 2014 – 2018 (on-going)
Funding body Social Welfare Department, HKSAR Government
Amount HKD 1,430,000

Case study on Overseas Experience of Government Purchasing Public Service: Implication to Nanning

Project Team Members

Wong Hung (PI)
Wong Yu-cheung (PI)
Lam Ching-man

Duration 2014
Funding body Nanning Municipal Government, Guangxi Province, China
Amount HKD 186,000

Trends and implications of poverty and social disadvantages in Hong Kong: A Multi-disciplinary and Longitudinal Study

Project Team Members

Wong Hung (PI)
Chen Ji-kang (Co-PI)

Duration 2012-2017
Funding body Strategic Public Policy Research Funding Scheme, Research Grants Council
Amount HKD 3,250,000

Rebuilding Post-disaster Community from Inside out: Action Research on an Asset-based Social Recovery Project in Beichuan

Project Team Members

Wong Hung (PI)

Duration 2011-2014
Funding body South China Programme, CUHK
Amount HKD 190,000

Evaluation Study on Enrich’s Financial Education and Empowerment Programme for Foreign Migrant Workers

Project Team Members

Wong Hung (PI)
Zhou Huiquan (Co-PI)
Mesina, Ma. Rosalyn Galgana (Co-PI)
Dulay, Katrina May (Co-I)

Duration 2016 - 2017
Funding body Grant for Research, Investor Education Center (IEC) of Hong Kong
Amount HKD 398,576

Contesting Care Work: Resistance to Market Fundamentalism in Alternative Social Enterprises for Marginalized Women in China

Project Team Members

Dai Haijing (PI)

Duration 2015 - 2016
Funding body One-Time Funding Allocation of Direct Grant, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Amount HKD 40,000

Urbanization and Reconceptualization of Care in Chinese Families: A Case Study in Kunming, Yunnan Province

Project Team Members

Dai Haijing (PI)
Liu Jian’e (Co-I)

Duration 2015 - 2016
Funding body Direct Grant, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Amount HKD 80,000

Negotiating Entitlement: Grassroots Political Leadership, the Third Realm, and Community Welfare Systems in Urbanizing Rural China

Project Team Members

Dai Hai-jing (PI)

Duration 2013 - 2015
Funding body Early Career Scheme (#458612), Research Grants Council of Hong Kong
Amount HKD 797,825

Gender and Justice: Alternative Institutional Ideologies in Two Social Enterprises in Hong Kong and Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province

Project Team Members

Dai Hai-jing (PI)

Duration 2011 - 2014
Funding body South China Programme Research Grant, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Amount HKD 126,000

School variables as mediators of school violence in Hong Kong, Mainland China and Taiwan

Project Team Members

Chen Ji-kang (PI)

Duration 2016 – 2017
Funding body General Research Fund, Research Grant Council
Amount HKD 377,500

Effectiveness of early identification, psycho-education interventions and peer support group for adolescent psychiatric patients and family caregivers

Project Team Members

Chen Ji-kang (Honorary Research Consultant)

Duration 2014-2016
Funding body Stewards Limited

Childrearing at a Distance: Development of an Evidence-Based Parent Support Group and Education Program for Migrant Mothers of Left-behind Children in China

Project Team Members

To Siu-ming (PI)
Lam Ching-man (Co-I)
Wu Qiao-bing (Co-I)

Duration 2016 - 2017
Funding body General Research Fund, the Research Grant Council of Hong Kong
Amount HKD 536,140

A Comparative Study on the Work Experience and Life Adjustment of Migrant Workers in the Eastern and Southern Coastal Areas of Mainland China

Project Team Members

To Siu-ming (PI)
Ngai Sek-yum, Steven (Co-I)

Duration 2012 - 2014
Funding body The South China Program, Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Amount HKD 122,440

Knowledge and Perceptions towards Gender-Based Violence of Minority Girls in Hong Kong

Project Team Members

Raees Begum Baig (PI)
Wong Yu-cheung (CI)

Duration 2017
Funding body Central Policy Unit Public Policy Research Funding Scheme
Amount HKD 200,000

Religious Support on Migrant Workers' Rights Advocacy: A Comparison between Christianity and Islam in Hong Kong

Project Team Members

Raees Begum Baig (PI)

Duration 2016 - 2017
Funding body CUHK South China Program Research Grant
Amount HKD 178,710

Evidence-Based Social Work Practice in Hong Kong

Project Team Members

Kim Minseop (PI)

Duration 2016 - 2017
Funding body The Faculty of Social Science, CUHK
Amount HKD 47,496

From personal experience to experiential knowledge in using welfare services

Project Team Members

Leung Tse Fong, Terry (PI)

Duration 2016 - 2017
Funding body Social Science Panel Direct Grant, CUHK
Amount HKD 77,940

Experience-based service design with the welfare service users

Project Team Members

Leung Tse Fong, Terry (PI)
Leung Tsan Kuen (Co-PI)

Duration 2015 - 2016
Funding body Knowledge Transfer Project Fund, CUHK
Amount HKD 149,668

Accounts of emotion in participatory management with the welfare service users

Project Team Members

Leung Tse Fong, Terry (PI)

Duration 2015 - 2016
Funding body Social Science Panel Direct Grant, CUHK
Amount HKD 40,000

Towards a practice model of users participation for elderly services in Hong Kong

Project Team Members

Leung Tse Fong, Terry (PI)

Duration 2014 - 2015
Funding body Caritas Hong Kong


Project Team Members

关信平 (PI)

Duration 2017
Funding body 民政部政研中心
Amount 3万元


Project Team Members

关信平 (PI)

Duration 2017
Funding body 天津市残疾人联合会
Amount 8万元


Project Team Members

关信平 (PI)

Duration 2016
Funding body 天津市政协
Amount 8万元