Research summit on 3D electron microscopy: A new dimension added to biology research
International summit on 3D electron microscopy showcases CUHK’s strengths in biology research.
Supported by the CUHK Research Summit Series, Prof. KANG Byung Ho of the School of Life Sciences hosted an international research summit on 3D Electron Microscopy of Organelles and Marcomolecules on campus in January 2020. The research summit brought together leading scientists, faculty members and postgraduate students to exchange the latest advances in cell and molecular biological research through adopting the emerging techniques of cryo-electron microscopy, electron tomography and correlative light and electron microscopy.
The 2-day research summit featured talks by internationally recognised speakers, a poster session and demonstration sessions of cryo-electron microscopy operations from cryo-transfer to automated data collection. More than 80 participants from Canada, Germany, Hong Kong, Israel, Japan, Mainland China, South Korea, Singapore and Taiwan took part in the summit.
Participants gained valuable insights from the speaking and discussion sessions at the event. The poster session served as a platform for CUHK researchers to showcase their work and receive feedback from the speakers and other experts in the field.
The CUHK Research Summit Series supports small-scale workshops targeting international participants with a cutting-edge theme to promote the University’s research strengths and facilitate the expansion of academic links for faculty members. An award of up to HK$250,000 will be provided to each selected application. Applications for 2020–21 will be invited soon. Faculty members, especially early-careers, are encouraged to make use of the funding opportunity to strengthen their international connections.
The poster session stimulates interesting discussion among participants.