CUHK Campus Transportation


Latest Information of School Bus Service
Starting from September 7, 2020 (Monday), there will be changes to the on-campus school bus service:
(1) Shuttle School Bus Service (Routes 1A, 1B, 2, 3, 4, 8, N, H) will resume its original operating routes and schedules starting from Sep 7, 2020 (Monday);
(2) Temporary Shuttle School Bus Service (Routes A, B, C, D) will be suspended from the same day (Sep 7);
(3) Meet-class School Bus Service (Routes 5, 6A, 6B, 7) will resume its original operating routes and schedules starting from the first teaching day, i.e. Sep 7, 2020 (Monday);
(4) Temporary Meet-class School Bus Service (Routes M1, M2, M3) will be suspended from the same day (Sep 7).

Campus Transportation
Route & Time-table
Effective: Sep 7, 2020
Shuttle Bus
Monday to Saturday
(For CUHK Students and Staff only)#
Meet-Class Bus
(For CUHK Students and Staff only)#
Night-time & Public Holidays
(For CUHK Students and Staff only)#
Paid Shuttle Light Bus
Monday to Saturday
(No Service on Sun & Public Holiday)



# Note  CUHK Students & Staff School Bus
Tourists should arrange their own transportation for destinations within the campus.
If necessary, Transport Office staff can request passengers to show valid CUHK identity documents.


Safety Notes for Passengers’ Luggage/Goods
Due to narrow passage of ‘No Standing Allowed Bus [NS]’, in order to avoid obstruction to passengers and potential danger to bus operation, passengers with handheld luggage/goods bigger than 22” x 14” x 9” are requested to take ‘Standing Allowed Bus [S]’ for destinations. And all passengers with luggage/goods are requested to ensure:
(1) NO blockage of passage
(2) NO occupation of seats
(3) Safe and secure carriage on board
* Passengers carrying large-size luggage/goods should arrange their own transport for destinations. To safeguard the safety of passengers and bus operation, the driver has the right to refuse them to get on the bus.


Campus Transport Arrangements for
Typhoons, Black Rainstorm Signal and “Extreme Conditions” Announcement
If the local storm warning signal No. 8 or above is issued during class period/working hours, meet-class buses will cease to operate whereas the normal shuttle bus service will be maintained for an hour. All bus services will resume operation on a limited basis one hour after the said warning signal is lowered (or the “extreme conditions” notice, if any, is cancelled), unless the situation does not permit.
If the black rainstorm warning signal is issued during class period/working hours, meet-class buses will cease to operate whereas the normal shuttle bus service will be maintained, unless the situation does not permit.
If the local storm warning signal No. 8 or above, the “extreme conditions” notice or the black rainstorm warning signal is issued before the start of class period/working hours, all bus services will be suspended and will resume operation on a limited basis one hour after the said warning signal(s)/notice are cancelled, unless the situation does not permit.


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