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Delegation Visits

The Office of Academic Links (OAL) hosts delegation visits and virtual meetings with international institutions to network and build partnerships. OAL develops programmes according to their interests, connecting them with their counterparts at the University for the purposes of sharing experiences and information, as well as developing sustainable collaborative relationships.

OAL coordinates visit/meeting requests from representatives of international universities, research organisations, and government bodies. Intending parties are asked to complete the Request Form at least one month prior to the day of the visit/meeting. Upon receiving the request, OAL will liaise within the University to match the request and then advise the sender of the eventual outcome. All requests will be considered carefully.


Practical Tip for Visitors


Recent Delegation Visits/Meetings

Further to a meeting in April, the Deans of Social Science at CUHK and the University of Southampton (Southampton) reconvened on 11 May 2021 to continue the discussion on potential collaboration, particularly in the areas of computational social science, population/mobility studies, and policy research. Representatives joining the meeting included Southampton’s Prof. Jane Falkingham, Vice-President, International (Interim) and Dean of Social Sciences; Prof. Sabu S. Padmadas, Associate Dean of of Social Sciences (International); and Heads of the School of Economic, Social, and Political Sciences and the School of Mathematical Sciences, and CUHK’s Prof. Chi-yue Chiu, Dean of Social Science; Prof. Jiang Xu, Associate Dean of Social Science (Research); Prof. Tony Tam, Chair of the Department of Sociology; and Prof. Anthony Fung, Director of the Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies.


A meeting was held between the leadership of CUHK and The University of Auckland (Auckland) on 22 April 2021 to discuss potential teaching and research collaborations related to the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The meeting was attended by the vice-chancellors and pro-vice-chancellors of the two universities, as well as senior academics representing the areas of education, cities, and global studies.

CUHK and Auckland have been partners since 2003 and both universities are members of the Association of Pacific Rim Universities and the Worldwide Universities Network.


CUHK and the University of Southampton (Southampton) met on 1 April 2021 to review existing partnership and explore new areas for collaboration, such as virtual student exchange and research in the areas of regenerative medicine and stem cells, photonics, social science/policy research, and spatial demography. Representatives joining the meeting included Southampton’s Prof. Mark E. Smith, President and Vice-Chancellor; Prof. Jane Falkingham, Vice-President, International (Interim) and Dean of Social Sciences; and Prof. Peter G.R. Smith, Associate Vice-President for International Projects, and CUHK’s Prof. Rocky S. Tuan, Vice-Chancellor and President; Prof. Tai-fai Fok and Prof. Wai-yee Chan, Pro-Vice-Chancellors; Prof. Chi-yue Chiu, Dean of Social Science; and Prof. Martin D.F. Wong, Dean of Engineering, among other senior representatives.

CUHK and Southampton have been partners since 2011 and both universities are members of the Worldwide Universities Network. There have been active collaborations in the areas of ageing, engineering, and public health over the years. In 2016, the two universities established a Joint Laboratory for Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine to conduct high impact research in the areas of stem cells, developmental biology, and regenerative medicine.


CUHK and the University of Manchester (UoM) are keen to explore collaboration in joint international initiatives. Prof. Wai-yee Chan, Pro-Vice-Chancellor, and Prof. Suk-ying Wong, Associate Vice-President, CUHK had an online meeting with Prof. Stephen Flint, Associate Vice-President for Internationalisation, and Prof. Danielle George, Associate Vice-President Blended and Flexible Learning, UoM on 22 March 2021 to discuss collaboration on joint teaching programmes, student recruitment, and exchange programmes.


Survey on International Linkage Activities

OAL maintains a database of international linkage activities that have taken place at CUHK, such as delegation visits, seminars or talks, and conference, symposium, and workshop. CUHK departments and staff may find such information useful when exploring own partnership opportunities. In order for OAL to maintain an up-to-date record, CUHK departments and staff are invited to provide details of any visit or linkage activity by filling in the Record Form for International Linkages Activities.

For more information, please contact Ms. Athena Wong of OAL.