
Second Phase of Career and Life Adventure Planning for Youth (CLAP for Youth@JC): Fostering Sustainable Ecosystem to Smoothen the Transition from School to Productive Work and Fulfilling Life for All Youth

Project Team Members

Ngai Sek-yum, Steven (PI)
Cheung Chau-kiu (PI)
Kim Minseop (CI)
Cheng Qijin (CI)
Leung Kit-ting, Joanne (CI)
Ho Wai-ming, Hannah (CI)
Law Yee-man, Moon (CI)

Duration 2020-2025
Funding Body Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust
Amount HKD 77,780,000

Building Capacity among Practitioners and Students of Social Work and Healthcare Professions for Anti-Drug Work with Young Adults, Pregnant Women/Mothers, and Sexual Minorities: An Integrated Humanistic and Cognitive-Behavioral Training Program Augmented by an Online Learning Platform

Project Team Members

Ngai Sek-yum, Steven (PI)
Cheung Chau-kiu (CI)
To Siu-ming (CI)
Cheung Mei-chun (CI)

Duration 2020-2023
Funding Body Beat Drugs Fund Association
Amount HKD 1,721,112

An Exploratory Study on Young Mothers’ Needs for Life and Career Development in Hong Kong

Project Team Members

To Siu Ming (PI)
So Yuk Yan (CI)

Duration 2018-2021
Funding Body Young Women’s Christian Association
Amount HKD 225,600

Enhancing Competence in Anti-drug Work among Practitioners and Students of Social Work and Healthcare Professions: An Integrated Humanistic and Cognitive-Behavioral Training Program with Focus on High-risk Youth and Drug Rehabilitation Service Settings

Project Team Members

Ngai Sek-yum, Steven (PI)
Cheung Chau-kiu (CI)
To Siu-ming (CI)
Cheung Mei-chun (CI)

Duration 2018-2020
Funding Body Beat Drugs Fund Association
Amount HKD 946,910

Evaluation Study of the HSBC Young Financial Planners Program

Project Team Members

Ngai Sek-yum, Steven (PI)
Cheung Chau-kiu (CI)

Duration 2018-2021
Funding Body Investor Education Centre of the HKSAR Government
Amount HKD 399,329

Project Evaluation and Impact Assessment of the Youth Service Innovation Programme

Project Team Members

To Siu-ming (PI)
Ngai Sek-yum, Steven (Co-PI)
Wong Yu Cheung (CI)
Cheung Chun Sing, Johnson (CI)

Duration 2017-2021
Funding Body Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust
Amount HKD 4,590,000

Evaluation Study on the Chinese YMCA-HK Jockey Club’s Mapperthon Community Action Project

Project Team Members

Kim Minseop (PI)
Zhou Huiquan, Mary (PI)

Duration 2017-2019
Funding Body The Chinese YMCA of Hong Kong
Amount HKD 293,767.5

Programme Evaluation Study on Hong Kong Family Welfare Society’s Youth Financial Empowerment Project

Project Team Members

Kim Minseop (PI)
Zhou Huiquan, Mary (PI)

Duration 2017-2019
Funding Body The Hong Kong Family Welfare Society
Amount HKD 248,421

Evaluation on the Rise-up Program

Project Team Members

Kim Minseop (PI)
Zhou Huiquan, Mary (PI)

Duration 2017-2018
Funding Body KELY Support Group Limited
Amount HKD 42,720

Evaluation Study on the Hong Kong Organ Transplant Foundation’s School General Education Programme

Project Team Members

Kim Minseop (PI)

Duration 2017-2018
Funding Body The Hong Kong Organ Transplant Foundation
Amount HKD 33,792

Urban Crisis and Disaster Risk and Vulnerability Mapping in Hong Kong

Project Team Members

Kim Minseop (PI)
Zhou Huiquan, Mary (PI)

Duration 2017-2018
Funding Body The Hong Kong Red Cross
Amount HKD 493,000

A Pilot Study on Factors Affecting Mental Health Service Engagement among Youth and Young Adults in Hong Kong

Project Team Members

Cheung Chun-sing, Johnson (PI)

Duration 2016-2018
Funding Body South China Programme, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Amount HKD 65,000

Programme Review for HK Girl Guides Association

Duration 2012 - 2014
Funding Body Hong Kong Girl Guides Association

An Integrated Humanistic and Cognitive-Behavioral Training Program to Promote Effective and Sustained Anti-Drug Work among Practitioners and Students of Social Work and Healthcare Professions

Project Team Members

Ngai Sek-yum, Steven (PI)
Cheung Chau-kiu, To Siu-ming, Cheung Mei-chun (Co-Is)

Duration 2016-2018 (on-going)
Funding Body Beat Drugs Fund Association
Amount HKD 817,650


Research on Cyber Youth Outreach Project―Engaging Youth at Risk from Social Exclusion to Social Inclusion

Project Team Members

Ngai Sek-yum, Steven (PI)
Cheung Chau-kiu, Chan Chi-tat (Co-PIs)

Duration 2015-2018 (on-going)
Funding Body The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust
Amount HKD 1,170,000


Family Centred Practice With Families That Have Children With Nonattendance Problem

Project Team Members

Lau Yuk King (PI)

Duration 2011-present (on-going)


Revamping work of the Community-Based phase of the P.A.T.H.S. Project (PATHS III)

Project Team Members

Lam Ching-man (PI)

Duration 2017 – 2018 (on-going)
Funding Body Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust
Amount 1,328,000 (CU budget HK$1,212,000)


Working Hours, Parental Involvement, and Children's Academic Achievement in China

Project Team Members

Kim Minseop (PI)

Duration 2017 – 2018 (on-going)
Funding Body The Chinese University of Hong Kong Direct Grant
Amount HKD 42,465


A Study on the Impact of Emotionally-focused Group Therapy on Parents with Parenting Stress

Project Team Members

Leung Suk-man, Grace (PI)
Cheung Chun-sing, Johnson (Co-PI)

Duration 2017 – 2019 (on-going)
Funding Body St. James Settlement
Amount HKD 120,000


Research Study on the Intergenerational Transmission of Trauma

Project Team Members

Leung Suk-man, Grace (PI)
Cheung Mei-chun, Wu Qiaobing (Co-PIs)

Duration 2017 – 2020 (on-going)
Funding Body The Boys’ and Girls’ Clubs Association of Hong Kong
Amount HKD 927,732.30


A Study on the Kindergarten Stationing Services – Enhancement of Social Emotional Competencies of Preschoolers

Project Team Members

Leung Suk-man, Grace (PI)
Wong Mei-ching, Mooly (Co-PI)
Ma Lai-chong, Joyce (Co-I)

Duration 2017 – 2019 (on-going)
Funding Body Hong Kong Family Welfare Society
Amount HKD 360,000


“Project Generation Next” for Families of Persons with Disabilities

Project Team Members

Leung Suk-man, Grace (Co-Is)

Duration 2016 – 2019 (on-going)
Funding Body HK Network for the Promotion of Inclusive Society Limited
Amount HKD 538,072


A Holistic Parent Counselling, Education and Support Program for Drug-abusing Parents

Project Team Members

To Siu-ming (PI)
Ngai Sek-yum, Steven (CI), Cheung Mei-chun (CI)

Duration 2015 – 2018 (on-going)
Funding Body Beat Drugs Fund Association
Amount HKD 3,730,103


Community-based Interventions of the Career and Life Adventure Planning for Youth Project (CLAP for Youth @ JC)

Project Team Members

To Siu-ming (Co-PI)

Duration 2015 – 2020 (on-going)
Funding Body Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Fund
Amount HKD 62,210,000


An Evaluation Study on the Sexual Health Project for Youth Having Compulsive Sexual Behavior

Project Team Members

To Siu-ming (PI)

Duration 2015 – 2018 (on-going)
Funding Body Youth and Community Service, Caritas Hong Kong, granted by the Lee Hysan Foundation
Amount HKD 217,350


Raising Children in Hong Kong: A Mixed Method Study of Generational Shifts in Parental Beliefs and Practices

Project Team Members

Lam Ching-man (PI)
To Siu-ming (CI)

Duration 2014 – 2018 (on-going)
Funding Body Research Grant Council
Amount HKD 1,252,656


Evaluation Study of Student Counseling Service in Macao

Project Team Members

Ngai Sek-yum, Steven (PI)
Cheung Chau-kiu (CI)
To Siu-ming (CI)
Ngai Ngan-pun (CI)
Leung Suk-man, Grace (CI)
Liu Ying (CI)

Duration 2016-2017
Funding Body Education and Youth Affairs Bureau, Macao SAR Government
Amount MOP 871,130


An evaluation study of the cyber youth outreach service

Project Team Members

Ngai Sek-yum, Steven (PI)
Cheung Chau-kiu (CI)
Prof. Chitat Chan (CI)

Duration 2015-2018
Funding Body BGCA, Caritas and HKFYG
Amount HKD1,170,000


Toward A Drug-free Campus: An Integrated Humanistic and Cognitive-behavioral Training on Anti-drug Work for Practitioners and Students of the Teaching Profession

Project Team Members

Ngai Sek-yum, Steven (PI)
To Siu-ming (CI)

Duration 2014 - 2016
Funding Body Beat Drugs Fund Association
Amount HKD 583,500


Positive Emotion Enrichment Scheme for Early Childhood (10/2016 – 12/2017)

Project Team Members

Leung Suk-man, Grace (PI)

Duration 2016-2017
Funding Body The Church of United Brethren in Christ
Amount HKD 183,640.80


Research Study on Evaluating the Impact of Marriage Services for Couples of Grace & Joy Integrated Family Service Centre of The Hong Kong Catholic Marriage Advisory Council (CMAC)

Project Team Members

Leung Suk-man, Grace (PI)

Duration 2015-2016
Funding Body CMAC
Amount HKD 163,335


Building Competence for Sustained Anti-drug Work: An Integrated Humanistic and Cognitive-behavioral Training for Practitioners and Students of Social Work and Healthcare Professions

Project Team Members

Ngai Sek-yum, Steven (PI)
Cheung Chau-kiu (PI)
To Siu-ming (CI)

Duration 2013 - 2015
Funding Body Beat Drugs Fund Association
Amount HKD 722,200


"Search' n Care" - A Research and Service Development Project on Cyber Outreaching Youth Social Work

Project Team Members

Ngai Sek-yum, Steven (PI)

Duration 2011 - 2014
Funding Body Social Welfare Department, HKSAR Government
Amount HKD 5,199,933


Mobilizing Community Support for Young Drug Service Users’ Community Attachment

Project Team Members

Ngai Sek-yum, Steven (PI)
Cheung Chau-kiu (PI)
Ngai Ngan-pun (CI)

Duration 2010-12
Funding Body Beat Drugs Fund Association
Amount HKD 1,458,047


Effects of Service Participation and Social Capital on the School-to-Work Transition of Economically Disadvantaged Young People

Project Team Members

Ngai Sek-yum, Steven (PI)
Cheung Chau-kiu (CI)
Ngai Ngan-pun (CI)

Duration 2009-11
Funding Body Research Grant Council
Amount HKD 499,520


P.A.T.H.S. to Adulthood: A Jockey Club Youth Enhancement Scheme Community-based Youth Enhancement Programmeme (P.A.T.H.S. III)

Project Team Members

Lam Ching-man (CI)

Duration 2012 - 2017
Funding Body Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust
Amount HKD 8,074,000


A Pilot Study on Factors Affecting Mental Health Service Engagement among Youth and Young Adults in Hong Kong

Project Team Members

Chang, Ching-Wen (PI)

Duration 2016-2017
Funding Body CUHK South China Program
Amount HKD 65,000


School variables as mediators of school violence in Hong Kong, Mainland China and Taiwan

Project Team Members

Chen Ji-kang (PI)

Duration 2016 - 2017
Funding Body General Research Fund, Research Grant Council


Effectiveness of early identification, psycho-education interventions and peer support group for adolescent psychiatric patients and family caregivers

Project Team Members

Chen, Ji-kang (As Honorary Research Consultant)

Duration 2014-2016
Funding Body Stewards Limited


A pilot study on prevalence and associates of cyber bullying in Taiwan, Hong Kong and Mainland China

Project Team Members

Chen Ji-kang (PI)

Duration 2013 - 2014
Funding Body South China Project, Chinese University of Hong Kong
Amount HKD 137,000


Childrearing at a Distance: Development of an Evidence-based Parent Support Group and Education Program for Migrant Mothers of Left-behind Children in China

Project Team Members

To Siu-ming (PI)
Wu Qiaobing (Co-PI)

Duration 2016-2018
Funding Body Research Grants Council General Research Fund (RGC/GRF), Hong Kong
Amount HKD 536,140


Evaluation Study on Woman's Foundation Life Skills Program 2012-14

Project Team Members

To Siu-ming (PI)

Duration 2012 - 2015
Funding Body The Women's Foundation, Hong Kong
Amount HKD 439,875


A Collaborative Forum for the Enhancement of Social Work Practicum Education in Hong Kong

Project Team Members

Lam Ching-man (Co-PI)

Duration 2012 - 2015
Funding Body Collaborative Forums, Research Grant Council, Hong Kong
Amount HKD 1,000,000


Reflective-action Learning in the Social Work Undergraduate Programme

Project Team Members

Lam Ching-man (PI)
To Siu-ming (CI)
Chan Chi-ho, Wallace (CI)
Lo Ng Mei-kuen, Eva (CI)
Tse Kit-yee (CI)

Duration 2012 - 2015
Funding Body Teaching Development Grants (TDGs), The University Grants Committee
Amount HKD 250,000


Feasibility Study of Legislation Against Discrimination on the Grounds of Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Intersex Status

Project Team Members

Lam Ching-man (CI)

Duration 2014 - 2015
Funding Body Equal Opportunities Commission, HKSAR Government
Amount HKD 648,609


A 'Process-outcome' Study of a "Learner-responsive" Approach to Parent Education: How Parents Learn and What They Learn in a Four-session "Self-learning in Parenthood" Programme

Project Team Members

Lam Ching-man (CI)

Duration 2013 - 2014
Funding Body Strategic Research Grant, City University of Hong Kong
Amount HKD 100,000


School Variables as Mediators of School Violence in Hong Kong, Mainland China and Taiwan

Project Team Members

Chen Ji-kang (PI)

Duration 2015 - 2017
Funding Body General Research Fund, Research Grant Council, Hong Kong
Amount HKD 377,000


A Study on Family Mediation Services in Hong Kong

Project Team Members

Wong Mei-ching, Mooly (PI)

Duration In progress
Funding Body Central Policy Unit, HKSAR


Development and Implementation of a Positive Psychology Intervention to Improve Mental Health among Secondary School Students and Teachers in Hong Kong

Project Team Members

Phoenix K.H. Mo, CUHK (PI)
Wu Qiaobing (Co-PI)

Duration 2016-2018
Funding Body Knowledge Transfer Project Fund, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Amount HKD 271,000


An Evaluation Research on “Anchor Lamb” Uniform Group Training

Project Team Members

Lau Yuk-king (CI)

Duration 2013 - 2014
Funding Body The Boys Brigade, Hong Kong
Amount HKD 78,261