Faculty of Science, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) - Research Highlights

Research Highlights


CUHK Researchers Discover a Novel Method to Adjust the Elasticity of Material for Achieving Smart Elastic Metamaterials

Prof. XU Lei (Department of Physics)

4 Nov 2021


CUHK Breakthrough in Discovering the Mechanism of Plant COPII Vesicle Formation to Mitigate Abiotic Stresses
Providing New Insights into Developing Stress-resistant Crops

Prof. JIANG Liwen (School of Life Sciences)

1 Nov 2021


CUHK Researchers Unveil a Novel Competition Strategy that May Fuel Plant Cells for a Sustainable Development of Crops

Prof. ZHUANG Xiaohong (School of Life Sciences)
Prof. WONG Kam Bo (School of Life Sciences)
Prof. JIANG Liwen (School of Life Sciences)

21 Oct 2021


Predicting When Volcanoes Are Going to Blow
The Axial underwater seamount acts as a real-time lab for Professor TAN Yen Joe

Prof. TAN Yen Joe (Earth System Science Programme)

Oct 2021


The Dawn of the Deadly Huntington’s Disease

Prof. CHAN Ho Yin Edwin (School of Life Sciences)

24 Aug 2021


Can This Plant Protein Produce Heat-Resistant Crops?
Using new imaging hardware, Professor Wilson LAU finds how plants withstand heat

Prof. LAU Chun Yu Wilson (School of Life Sciences)

Aug 2021


CUHK Professor Detects the Amount of Water Entering the Earth’s Interior through Southern Mariana Trench for the First Time

Prof. YANG Hongfeng (Earth System Science Programme)

17 Aug 2021


Marine ecologists reveal mangroves might be threatened by low functional diversity of invertebrates

Prof. LEE Shing Yip Joe (School of Life Sciences and Earth System Science Programme)

27 Jul 2021


CUHK Uncovers that Brain Cells in Alzheimer’s Patient Consumes Nutrition Essential to Neurotransmission
Study Supports Great Potential of Nutrient-based Approach in Managing Neurodegenerative Disorders

Prof. KWAN Kin Ming (School of Life Sciences)

22 Jul 2021


CUHK Engineering Research Team Develops Novel Ultra-dynamic Hydrogel to Promote Differentiation of Human Stem Cell and Development of Tissue Engineering Materials

Prof. WANG Yi (Department of Physics)

12 Jun 2021


CUHK Discovers Eukaryotic Fossils Hold the Key to the Evolution Timeline of Bacteria

Prof. LUO Haiwei (School of Life Sciences)

7 Jun 2021


Apple Chui in Six Objects
The CUHK marine biologist talks childhood, the ocean and education with six items

Prof. CHUI Pui Yi Apple (School of Life Sciences)

Jun 2021


CUHK Unlocks the Mystery of Small Heat Shock Protein Using Cryo-EM Technology Paves the Way for Plant Genetic Engineering

Prof. LAU Chun Yu Wilson (School of Life Sciences)
Prof. JIANG Liwen (School of Life Sciences)

31 May 2021


CUHK Unveils a Toxic RNA’s Role in Neuronal DNA Damage and Develops New Therapeutic Direction for Huntington’s Disease

Prof. CHAN Ho Yin Edwin (School of Life Sciences)

25 May 2021


Maths Theory Turned Practical to Map the Brain

Prof. LUI Lok Ming Ronald (Department of Mathematics)

24 Mar 2021


CUHK Unveils the Balance Between Two Protein Counteracting Forces in the Neurodegeneration of Hereditary Ataxia
Providing New Direction for SCA3 Therapeutic Intervention

Prof. CHAN Ho Yin Edwin (School of Life Sciences)

28 Feb 2021


CUHK Uncovers Molecular Mechanism Regulating Blood-cerebrospinal Fluid Barrier Function in Developing Brain
New Direction for Treating Neurological Diseases

Prof. KWAN Kin Ming (School of Life Sciences)
Prof. JIANG Liwen (School of Life Sciences)
Prof. HUI Ho Lam Jerome (School of Life Sciences)
Prof. NGAI Sai Ming (School of Life Sciences)

23 Feb 2021


Ocean Park and CUHK Sign MOU for Integrated Wildlife Conservation and Education Programmes
Largest-Ever Education Conservation Initiative Conducted in Local Schools Includes Targeted Programming for Students with Special Educational Needs

5 Feb 2021


CUHK Physicists Discover New Route to Active Matter Self-Organisation
Provides New Directions on Fabricating Self-driven Devices and Microbial Physiology

Prof. WU Yilin (Department of Physics)

4 Feb 2021


CUHK Scientists Develop Novel Peptide Inhibitor as a Potential Treatment for Parkinson’s Disease

Prof. CHAN Michael Kenneth (School of Life Sciences)
Prof. CHAN Ho Yin Edwin (School of Life Sciences)

28 Jan 2021


CUHK Chemists Devise a Novel Catalytic System to Help Design Chemical Compounds
Enriches Chemistry Toolkit for Advanced Drug Synthesis

Prof. TSE Ying Lung Steve (Department of Chemistry)
Prof. YEUNG Ying Yeung (Department of Chemistry)

17 Nov 2020


CUHK Develops “Universal Ink” for Direct Laser Writing of High-performance Electronics

Prof. YANG Sen (Department of Physics)

27 Oct 2020


Breaking the Wall of Cryosphere Monitoring

Prof. LIU Lin (Earth System Science Programme)

Oct 2020


CUHK Professor Investigates Extremely Shallow Earthquake Related to Shale Gas Production in Sichuan

Prof. YANG Hong Feng (Earth System Science Programme)

7 Oct 2020


Project Evergreen
Professor Amos TAI strives to find interdisciplinary answers to environmental problems

Prof. TAI Pui Kuen Amos (Earth System Science Programme)

Sep 2020


LIGO and Virgo Detect Gravitational Waves Produced by the Most Massive Black Hole Collision ever Observed
CUHK the Only Institution in Hong Kong Involved in the Project

Prof. LI Guang Feng Tjonnie (Department of Physics)
Prof. Juan CALDERON BUSTILLO (Department of Physics)

2 Sep 2020


CUHK Study Finds Slow Earthquakes Behave Similarly to Regular Earthquakes Than Previously Thought
Gives Scientists a Clearer Picture of How Energy Releases along Faults

Prof. TAN Yen Joe (Earth System Science Programme)

1 Sep 2020


Gravitational Waves can Show When Core of Dying Star Breaks Down into Free Quarks
Helping Astronomers Explore the Origin of Life

Prof. CHU Ming Chung (Department of Physics)
Dr. LIN Lap Ming (Department of Physics)

31 Aug 2020


CUHK Scientists Develop a Novel Technology for Generating Biocatalysts for Biodiesel Production

Prof. CHAN Michael Kenneth (School of Life Sciences)

25 Jun 2020


CUHK Researchers Decode Jellyfish Genomes and Discover the Presence of Sesquiterpenoid Hormones
Help Unveil its Ecological Roles and Reproduction Mechanism

Prof. HUI Ho Lam Jerome (School of Life Sciences)

21 Jun 2020


CUHK and Japanese Scientists Unravel Full Genome of American Shorthair Domestic Cats
Advances Precision Veterinary Medicine

Prof. CHAN Ting Fung (School of Life Sciences)
Prof. LAM Hon Ming (School of Life Sciences)

22 May 2020


Coronavirus: A Boon to the Environment? 
CUHK experts analyse the impact of COVID-19 on climate change

Prof. TAI Pui Kuen Amos (Earth System Science Programme)
Prof. TAM Chi Yung Francis (Earth System Science Programme)

May 2020


Green Chemist - Professor YEUNG Ying Yeung

Prof. YEUNG Ying Yeung (Department of Chemistry)

Apr 2020


Small is the New Big - Professor WANG Jianfang explores the many uses of metallic nanocrystals

Prof. WANG Jianfang (Department of Physics)

Apr 2020


CUHK Proves and Visualises the Harmful Effect of Ozone Damage on Plants
First Plant-based Measurement of Ozone in South China Region

Prof. TAI Pui Kuen Amos (Earth System Science Programme)

8 Apr 2020


CUHK Unveils Novel Mechanism of Neural Progenitor Competence Regulation
Enlightening Path for Stem Cell Therapy and Regenerative Medicine

Prof. KWAN Kin Ming (School of Life Sciences)

1 Apr 2020


CUHK Scientists Find Small Peptides Produced by Non-coding RNA
Redefines Coding and Non-Coding RNAs

Prof. CHAN Ting Fung (School of Life Sciences)

3 Feb 2020


CUHK Research Reveals Carbon Stores in Tidal Wetlands are 23% Larger than Previously Estimated

Prof. LEE Shing Yip Joe (School of Life Sciences and Earth System Science Programme)

23 Jan 2020


CUHK Physicists Develop Novel Quantum Sensing Techniques
Measuring Pressure-driven Superconductivity with Nano-diamonds

Prof. GOH Swee Kuan (Department of Physics)
Prof. YANG Sen (Department of Physics)

13 Dec 2019


New Pattern-forming Paradigm Found by CUHK Researchers
Shedding New Lights on Structure Formation, Self-assembly and Packing 

Prof. XU Lei (Department of Physics)

23 May 2019


CUHK Research Hints at Feasibility of Sustainable Farming Practices as a Means to Resolve the Worsening Food Crisis and Air Pollution Problem

Prof. LAM Hon Ming (School of Life Sciences)
Prof. TAI Pui Kuen Amos (Earth System Science Programme)

24 Apr 2019


CUHK Probes the Existence of Ultralight Bosons with a Single Gravitational Wave Measurement

Prof. LI Guang Feng Tjonnie (Department of Physics)

23 Apr 2019


Scientists Discover How Plant Hormone and Vesicular Transport Regulatory Protein Work Together to Help Plants Cope with Stress  

Prof. JIANG Liwen (School of Life Sciences)

16 Apr 2019


Mushroom Impossible - Professor KWAN Hoi Shan and his Team’s Fungi Enterprise 

Prof. KWAN Hoi Shan (School of Life Sciences)

Apr 2019


CUHK Professor Lam Hon-Ming Announces World’s First Reference-grade Wild Soybean Genome

Prof. LAM Hon Ming (School of Life Sciences)

3 Apr 2019


Zigging and Zagging to Deeper Truths - Uncovers the Secret Pattern of Cell Movement

Prof. WU Yilin (Department of Physics)

Mar 2019


CUHK-led Research Team Participates in “God Particle” Experiment
Recognised by UGC as Area of Excellence
Further Development on Fundamental Physics in Hong Kong and Mainland China 

Prof. CHU Ming Chung (Department of Physics)

6 Mar 2019


The Big Bang of Plant Vacuoles - Rewrites the First Chapters in Plant Biology

Prof. JIANG Liwen (School of Life Sciences)

Feb 2019


CUHK Discovers New Inhibitors to Restrain Neurodegeneration
Shedding Light on Treating PolyQ Diseases

Prof. CHAN Ho Yin Edwin (School of Life Sciences)

28 Feb 2019


Major Progress Made in Plant Vacuole Biogenesis Research by CUHK Researchers 
Providing New Insights into Improving Crop and Producing Pharmaceutical Proteins by Plant Bioreactors

Prof. JIANG Liwen (School of Life Sciences)

7 Jan 2019


CUHK Develops Low-cost and High-precision Nano Chips Which Magnify the Surface-enhanced Raman Spectroscopy Signals for Effective Detection of Harmful Substances

Prof. WANG Jianfang (Department of Physics)

29 Oct 2018


CUHK fruitENCODE Project Finds the Hidden Treasures in “Junk DNA” in Eleventh Fleshy Fruit Genomes
Paving the Way to Healthier Fruits 

Prof. ZHONG Silin (School of Life Sciences)

11 Oct 2018


Major Progress Made in Plant Multivesicular Body Biogenesis and Membrane Protein Vacuolar Transport by CUHK Researchers
Providing New Insight into Improving Crop Quality

Prof. JIANG Liwen (School of Life Sciences)

23 Sep 2018


CUHK Finds Link Between ‘Fuz’ Protein Level and Neurological Disorders
New Treatment Paths for Neural Diseases 

Prof. CHAN Ho Yin Edwin (School of Life Sciences)

8 Aug 2018


Research on tiny marine bacteria - Prochlorococcus

Prof. LUO Haiwei (School of Life Sciences)

Jun 2018


CUHK Reveals a Novel Mechanism to Stimulate Neurite Outgrowth
Paving a New Road for Brain Regenerative Medicine

Prof. LAU Kwok Fai (School of Life Sciences)

24 May 2018


Prof. YANG Hongfeng Takes the Pulse of Earthquakes in Indian Ocean

Prof. YANG Hongfeng (Earth System Science Programme)

19 Apr 2018


CUHK Uncovers How Helicobacter Pylori uses a Toxic Substance to Keep Alive in Human Stomach

Prof. WONG Kam Bo (School of Life Sciences)

5 Dec 2017


CUHK Scientists Use Tiny Marine Bacteria to Trace Earth’s History

Prof. LUO Haiwei (School of Life Sciences)

19 Jul 2017


CUHK Physicist and Statistician Work Together to Reveal Link Between Magnetic Fields and Birth Rate of Stars

Prof. LI Hua Bai (Department of Physics)
Prof. FAN Xiaodan (Department of Statistics)

20 Jun 2017


LIGO Detects Gravitational Waves for Third Time
Unveils Hints on Formation of Black Holes

Prof. LI Guang Feng Tjonnie (Department of Physics)

1 Jun 2017


CUHK Unveils Novel Mechanism of Neuron Development

Prof. KWAN Kin Ming (School of Life Sciences)

28 May 2017


Setting New Therapeutic Direction for Cerebellar Ataxia

Prof. CHAN Ho Yin Edwin (School of Life Sciences)

19 Mar 2017


CUHK-led Research Projects on Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security
Recognized by UGC as Area of Excellence
Succession and Development of 20-year Legend of Research Excellence

Prof. LAM Hon Ming (School of Life Sciences)

14 Mar 2017


Major Progress Made in Plant Autophagy Research by CUHK Researchers Published in PNAS

Prof. JIANG Liwen (School of Life Sciences)

5 Feb 2017


CUHK Biophysicists Discover Hidden Order in Bacterial Collective Motion
Provides new direction of study on biomedicine and active matters

Prof. WU Yilin (Department of Physics)

24 Jan 2017


CUHK Researcher Uncovers Mechanism Explaining Why Fathers’ Mitochondrial DNA is Not Inherited to Offspring

Prof. KANG Byung Ho (School of Life Sciences)

26 Jul 2016


A Second Gravitational Wave Event Identified
Opens Up New Horizons in Astronomy

Prof. LI Guang Feng Tjonnie (Department of Physics)

15 Jun 2016


CUHK Into Gravitational Wave Detection: Becomes First Hong Kong Member of LIGO

Prof. LI Guang Feng Tjonnie (Department of Physics)

29 May 2016


CUHK Researchers Discovered Hidden Genetic Mechanism in Horseshoe Crabs

Prof. HUI Ho Lam Jerome (School of Life Sciences)

21 Jan 2016


CUHK Researcher Reveals Warming in China
Contributes to More Deaths from Respiratory Diseases

Prof. TAI Pui Kuen Amos (Earth System Science Programme)

12 Oct 2015


CUHK Physicist Unveils Mystery of Massive Star Formation

Prof. LI Hua Bai (Department of Physics)

1 Apr 2015


CUHK Researchers Discovered New DNA for Revealing Animal Relationships

Prof. HUI Ho Lam Jerome (School of Life Sciences)

5 Mar 2015


CUHK Researcher Predicts Threat to Global Food Security from Climate Change and Air Pollution in Newly Published Study

Prof. TAI Pui Kuen Amos (Earth System Science Programme)

4 Aug 2014


Hong Kong Scientists and Students Joined ATLAS Team of European Organization for Nuclear Research to Search for Fundamental Laws Governing the Universe

Prof. CHU Ming Chung (Department of Physics)

7 Jul 2014


CUHK Researcher Documents Sustained Mass Loss of Northeast Greenland Ice Sheet Triggered by Regional Warming in New Study Published in Nature Climate Change

Prof. LIU Lin (Earth System Science Programme)

25 Mar 2014


Most complete and extensive molecular dataset provides important insights into the timing and diversity of Crab Evolution (English version only)

Prof. CHU Ka Hou (School of Life Sciences)



CUHK Professor Develops World-leading Cell Research Centre
Contributing to Biotechnological Advancement in Hong Kong and Mainland

Prof. JIANG Liwen (School of Life Sciences)

7 Aug 2013



CUHK Illuminates Pathogenic Pathways of Spinocerebellar Ataxias
Enabling New Therapeutic Directions

Prof. CHAN Ho Yin Edwin (School of Life Sciences)

9 Aug 2012


CUHK Uncovers Molecular Machine that Keeps Helicobacter pylori Alive in Human Stomach
Opens up Novel Strategy to Eradicate the Culprit of Stomach Ulcers and Cancer

Prof. WONG Kam Bo (School of Life Sciences)

11 Dec 2011



CUHK Breakthrough in Quantum Science and Technology Research Makes Cover Story in Leading Journal

Prof. LIU Ren Bao (Department of Physics)

12 Apr 2011


CUHK School of Life Sciences Research
Paves Way for Development of Better Biotech Enzymes

Prof. WONG Kam Bo (School of Life Sciences)

16 Mar 2011


 Breakthroughs by CUHK Boosts Soybean Research Make Cover in Nature Genetics

Prof. LAM Hon Ming (School of Life Sciences)

15 Nov 2010


Design, Fabrication, and Modification of Nanostructured Semiconductor Materials for Environmental and Energy Applications (English version only)

Prof. YU Chai Mei Jimmy (Department of Chemistry)

12 Aug 2009