Prof. Wong Hung

Prof. Wong Hung


Associate Professor

BSSc (CUHK); MA, PhD (Warwick); RSW 3943 7510
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Research Interests

  • Poverty, Deprivation & Social Exclusion
  • Social Security, Labour Policy & Social Policies
  • Community Economic Development & Social Innovation
  • Programme Evaluation & Social Impact Assessment
  • Working Poor, Homeless People & Marginal Groups
  • Quality of Life & Well-being


Curriculum Vitae

Click Here


Selected Publications



  • Wong, H. (2015). The hope of poverty eradication: Examination of poverty problem in Hong Kong (Revised Edition) (「無窮」的盼望: 香港貧窮問題探析增訂版) . Hong Kong: Chung Hwa Book Co. (in Chinese)


Selected Journal Publications:
               - SSCI = Social Sciences Citation Index;
               - SCIE= Science Citation Index Expanded;
               - CSSCI = Chinese Social Sciences Citation Index.
               - ESCI = Emerging Sources Citation Index;
  • Wong, H. & Ip, P. K. (2021). Social business founders’ values and their implementation: A Study of five cases in Hong Kong. Journal of Social Entrepreneurship. (ESCI) [Impact Factor: 0.60, 148/285, Q3 (Business), ESCI, 2020
  • Fung, E.H.C., Wong, H., Chiu, S.W., Hui, J. H. L., Lam, H. M., Chung, R. Y. N., Wong, S. Y. S. & Chan, S. M. (2021). Risk factors associated with bedbug (Cimex spp.) infestations among Hong Kong households: a cross-sectional study. Journal of Housing and the Built Environment. (SSCI) [Impact Factor: 2.414, 29/43, Q3 (Urban Studies), SSCI, 2020]
  • Chan, S. M., Au-Yeung, T. C., Wong, H., Chung, R. Y.N. & Chung, G. K. (2021). Long working hours, precarious employment and anxiety symptoms among working chinese population in Hong Kong. Psychiatric Quarterly (SSCI) [Impact Factor: 2.832, 75/143, Q3 (Psychiatry), SSCI, 2020]
  • Chung, G. K., Chan, S. M., Chan, T. H., Yip, T. C. F., Ma, H. M., Wong, G. L. H., Chung, R. Y. N., Wong, H., Wong, S. Y., Yeoh, E. K., Marmot, M. & Woo, J. (2021). Differential impacts of multimorbidity on COVID-19 severity across the socioeconomic ladder in Hong Kong: A syndemic perspective.  International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 18(15), 8168. (SSCI & SCIE) [Impact Factor: 3.390, 41/176, Q1 (Public, Environmental & Occupational Health), SSCI, 2020]
  • Chen, J. K., Wang Z., Wong, H., & Tang, V. M. Y. (2021). Child deprivation as a mediator of the relationships between family poverty, bullying victimization, and psychological distress. Child Indicators Research (SSCI) [Impact Factor: 2.420, 39/110, Q2 (Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary), SSCI, 2020
  • Chung, R. Y. N., Chung, G. K. K., Marmot, M., Allen, J., Chan, D., Goldblatt, P., Wong, H., Lai, E., Woo, J., Yeoh, E. K., Wong, S. Y. S.. (2021). COVID-19 related health inequality exists even in a city where disease incidence is relatively low: a telephone survey in Hong Kong.  Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health.   (SSCI & SCIE)  [Impact Factor: 3.710, 34/176, Q1 (Public, Environmental & Occupational Health), SSCI, 2020]
  • Chung, Y. R., Marrot, M., Mak, J. K. J., Gordon, D., Chan, D., Chung, G. K. G., Wong, H., & Wong, S. Y. (2021). Deprivation is associated with anxiety and stress. A population-based longitudinal household survey among Chinese adults in Hong Kong. Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health,75(4), 334-342. (SSCI & SCIE)  [Impact Factor: 3.710, 34/176, Q1 (Public, Environmental & Occupational Health), SSCI, 2020]
  • Woo, J., Leung, D., Yu, R., Lee, R. and Wong, H. (2021). Factors affecting trends in societal indicators of ageing well in Hong Kong: Policies, politics and pandemics. The Journal of Nutrition, Health and Aging, 25, 325 -329. (SCIE) [Impact Factor: 4.075, 22/53, Q2 (Geriatrics & Gerontology), SCIE, 2020]
  • Chan, S. M., Wong, H., Chung, Y. R., & Au-Yeung, T. C. (2021). Association of living density with anxiety and stress: A cross-sectional population study in Hong Kong. Health & Social Care in the Community, 29(4), 1019-1029. (SSCI) [Impact Factor: 2.821, 7/44, Q1 (Social Work), SSCI, 2020]
  • Chung, Y. R., Chung, G. K., Gordon, D., Mak, J. K. Zhang, L. Chan, D., Lai, F. T. T. Wong, H., & Wong, S. Y. (2020). Housing affordability effects on physical and mental health: household survey in a population with the world’s greatest housing affordability stress. Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health, 74(2), 164-172. doi: 10.1136/jech-2019-212286,  (SSCI & SCIE)  [Impact Factor: 3.710, 34/176, Q1 (Public, Environmental & Occupational Health), SSCI, 2020]
  • Chan, S. M. & Wong, H. (2020).  Impact of Income, Deprivation and Social Exclusion on Subjective Poverty: A structural equation model of multidimensional poverty in Hong Kong. Social Indicators Research, 152, 971-990.  (SSCI) [Impact Factor: 2.614, 33/110, Q2 (Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary), SSCI, 2020]
  • Chan, S. M., Wong, H., Au-Yeung, T. C., Hua, X. & Gao, Q. (2020). Impacts of poverty stigma on negative affect among welfare recipients: path analysis on Mainland China and Hong Kong SAR. Journal of Asian Public Policy.  (SSCI) [Impact Factor: 2.000, 13/80, Q1 (Area Studies), SSCI, 2020]
  • Chung, G. K., Dong, D., Wong, S. Y., Wong, H., & Chung, Y. R. (2020). Perceived poverty and health, and their roles in the poverty-health vicious cycle: a qualitative study of major stakeholders in the healthcare setting in Hong Kong. International Journal for Equity in Health, 19, 13 (2020). doi: 10.1186/s12939-020-1127-7  (SSCI) [Impact Factor: 3.192, 48/176, Q2 (Public, Environmental & Occupational Health), SSCI, 2020]
  • Chung, G. K., Lai, F. T. T., Chan, D. C., Wong, H., Yeoh, E. K. & Chung, Y. R. (2020). Socioeconomic disadvantages over the life-course and their influence on obesity among older Hong Kong Chinese adults.  European Journal of Public Health, 30(5), 1013-1018.  (SSCI & SCIE) [Impact Factor: 3.367, 44/176, Q1 (Public, Environmental & Occupational Health), SSCI, 2020]
  • Huang, Y., Wong, H., & Fu, Y. (2020). Resilience and depression among the survivors of the 2013 Yaan earthquake.  Journal of Social Work, 20(6), 817-833.  doi: 10.1177/1468017319852593  (SSCI) [Impact Factor:2.292, 12/44, Q3 (Social Work), SSCI, 2020]
  • Chan, S. M. & Wong, H. (2020). Impact of Income, Deprivation and Social Exclusion on Subjective Poverty: A structural equation model of multidimensional poverty in Hong Kong. Social Indicators Research. [Impact Factor: 1.874, 30/108, Q2 (Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary), SSCI, 2019]
  • Wong, H., & Chan, S. M. (2019). The impacts of housing factors on deprivation in a world city: The case of Hong Kong. Social Policy & Administration 2019(53), 872-888. doi: 10.1111/spol.12535 [Impact Factor: 1.908, 6/44, Q1 (Social Work), SSCI, 2019]
  • Saunders, P. & Wong, H. (2019). Editorial: Poverty and social disadvantage in Hong Kong. Social Policy & Administration, 2019(53), 817-819. doi: 10.1111/spol.12537 [Impact Factor: 1.908, 6/44, Q1 (Social Work), SSCI, 2019]
  • Zhang, Y., Wong, H., Chen, J. K., & Tang, M.Y. V. (2019). Comparing income poverty gap and deprivation on social acceptance: A mediation model with interpersonal communication and social support. Social Policy & Administration 2019(53), 889-902. doi: 10.1111/spol.12536 . [Impact Factor: 1.908, 6/44, Q1 (Social Work), SSCI, 2019]
  • Chung, Y. N. R., Chan, D., Chau, N. S. N., Huang. S., Wong, H., Wong, Y. S. S. (2019). Poverty affects access to regular source of primary care among the general population in Hong Kong. Social Policy & Administration, 2019(53), 854-871. (SSCI) [Impact Factor: 1.908, 6/44, Q1 (Social Work), SSCI, 2019]
  • Wong, H., Huang, Y., Fu, Y., & Zhang, Y. (2019). Impacts of structural social capital and cognitive social capital on the psychological status of survivors of the Yaan earthquake. Applied Research in Quality of Life, 1-23. doi: 10.1007/s11482-018-9661-9 [Impact Factor:1.683, 39/108, Q2 (Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary), SSCI, 2019]
  • Chung, G. K., Chung, R. Y., Chan, D. C., Lai, F. T., Wong, H., Lau, M. K., Wong, S. Y., & Yeoh, E. (2019). The independent role of deprivation in abdominal obesity beyond income poverty. A population-based household survey in Chinese adults. Journal of Public Health, fdy161. doi: 10.1093/pubmed/fdy161 [Impact Factor:1.806, 74/170, Q2 (Public, Environmental & Occupational Health) SSCI, 2019]
  • Chung, R. Y. N., Chung, G. K. K., Gordon, D., Wong, S. Y. S., Chan, D., Lau, M. K. W., Tang, V. M. Y., & Wong, H. (2018). Deprivation is associated with worse physical and mental health beyond income poverty: a population-based household survey among Chinese adults. Quality of Life Research, 27(8), 2127-2135. (SSCI, SCI) [Impact Factor:2.773; 16/87, Q1, (Health Policy & Services); 34/170, Q1 (Public, Environmental & Occupational Health), SSCI, 2019]
  • Chung, G. K., Chung, R. Y., Chan, D. C., Lai F. T., Wong, H., Lau, M. K., Wong, S. Y., Yeoh, E. (2018). The independent role of deprivation in abdominal obesity beyond income poverty. A population-based household survey in Chinese adults. Journal of Public Health, 41(3), 476-486. (SSCI)(SCIE) [Impact Factor:1.806, 74/170, Q2 (Public, Environmental & Occupational Health) SSCI, 2019]
  • Huang, Y., & Wong, H. (2018). Creation of a social work practice plan: an attempt to learn from business and logic modelling. China Journal of Social Work, 11(1), 4-17.
  • Ng S. L., Zhang Y., Ng, K. H., Wong H., & Lee J. W. Y. (2018). Living environment and quality of life in Hong Kong. Asian Geographer, 35(1), 35-51. (ESCI)
  • Wang, J., Huang, B., Zhang, T., Wong, H. and Huang Y. (2018). Impact of Housing and Community Conditions on Multidimensional Health among Middle- and Low-Income Groups in Hong Kong. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15(6), 1132 (SSCI) (SCIE) [Impact Factor: 2.849, 32/170, Q1 (Public, Environmental & Occupational Health), SSCI; 105/265, Q2 (Environmental Sciences), SCIE, 2019]
  • Wong, S. Y. S., Chung, R. Y., Chan, D. C., Chung, G. K., Lai F. T., Li, J., Mak, D., Lau, M., Tang, V., Gordon, D., & Wong, H. (2018). What are the financial barriers to medical care among the poor, the sick and the disabled in the Special Administrative Region of China? PLoS One, 13(11), e0205794. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0205794 [Impact Factor:2.740, 27/71, Q2 (Multidisciplinary Sciences ), SCIE, 2019]
  • Lau, Y.K., & Wong, H. (2018). Statutory minimum wage in Hong Kong: a family impact analysis. Journal of Family Studies, 24(3), 1-16. [Impact Factor:1.179, 28/47, Q3 (Family Studies), SSCI, 2019]
  • Chen, W., & Wong, H. (2017). The "effectiveness collusion" and "risk sharing" under the long-term care system: An interpretation under collaborative governance. Zhejiang Academic Journal, 2017(020), 21-29. (in Chinese) (CSSCI)
  • Lu, S. & Wong, H. (2017). Challenges of development of community-based long-term care from welfare Pluralism perspective: A case study of N district, Foshan. Journal of South China University of Technology (Social Science Edition), 19(2), 78-86. (in Chinese) 
  • Chen, W. & Wong, H. (2017). The "Effectiveness-Risk Bi-axial Interplay" under the Long-term Care Structural System: A Theoretical Interpretation under"Collaborative Governance". Hebei Academic Journal, 2017(4), 178-183. (in Chinese)
  • Liu, X. & Wong, H. (2016). The reform of the medical welfare system and health equity for the elderly in China: a study in Zhejiang. The Journal of Chinese Sociology, 3(6).
  • Liu, X., Wong, H. & Liu, K. (2016). Outcome-based health equity across different social health insurance schemes for the elderly in China. BMC Health Services Research, 16(9), 1-12. (SSCI) [Impact Factor:1.987 56/102, Q3, (Health Care Sciences & Services) SCIE, 2019]
  • Wong, H. (2015). Is Poverty Eradication Impossible? A Critique on the Misconceptions of the Hong Kong Government. The China Review, 15(2), 147-169. (SSCI) [Impact Factor:0.935, 27/77, Q2 (Area Studies), SSCI, 2019]
  • Wong, H., & Ye, S. (2015). Impact of enforcing a statutory minimum wage on work and quality of life of vulnerable groups in Hong Kong. International Journal of Social Welfare, 24(3), 223-235. (SSCI) [Impact Factor: 0.828, 36/44, Q4 (Social Work), SSCI, 2019
  • Huang, Y., Wong, H., & Tan, N. T. (2015). Associations between economic loss, financial strain and the psychological status of Wenchuan earthquake survivors. Disasters, 39(4), 795-810. (SSCI) [Impact Factor:1.937, 28/108, Q2 (Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary), SSCI, 2019]
  • Liu, X. & Wong, H. (2015). The reform of medical care system and health equity for the elderly population in China:A study in Zhejiang. Sociological Studies, 2015(4), 94-117. (CSSCI) (in Chinese)
  • Chen, W. & Wong, H. (2015). Regional adaptability of urban community management model: Case study of practice of “party-resident committee-social work station” model. Journal of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (Social Science Edition), 17(1), 44-50. (in Chinese)
  • Huang, Y., & Wong, H. (2014). Impacts of Sense of Community and Satisfaction with Governmental Recovery on Psychological Status of the Wenchuan Earthquake Survivors. Social Indicators Research, 117(2), 421-436. (SSCI) [Impact Factor: 1.874, 30/108, Q2 (Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary), SSCI, 2019]
  • Huang, Y., Fu, Y., & Wong, H. (2014). Challenges of social workers’ involvement in the recovery of the 5.12 Wenchuan Earthquake in China. International Journal of Social Welfare, 2014(23),139-149. (SSCI) [Impact Factor: 0.828, 36/44, Q4 (Social Work), SSCI, 2019]
  • Chen, W., & Wong, H. (2014). Urban Community Governance: Middle-range theory’s construction and risk management system’s exploration. Social Sciences in Nanjing, 2014(12), 72-78. (CSSCI) (in Chinese)
  • Saunders, P., Wong, H., & Wong, W. P. (2014). Deprivation and Poverty in Hong Kong. Social Policy & Administration, 48(5), 556-575. (SSCI) [Impact Factor: 1.908, 6/44, Q1 (Social Work), SSCI, 2019]
  • Saunders, P., Wong, H., & Wong, W. P. (2014). Signposting disadvantage – social exclusion in Hong Kong. Journal of Asian Public Policy, 7(1), 3-17. (ESCI)
  • Huang, Y., Wong, H., & Tan, N. T. (2014). Association among Chinese cultural beliefs of adversity, income recovery and psychological status of Wenchuan earthquake survivors. Social Work in Mental Health, 12(4), 343-364. (ESCI)
  • Huang, Y., & Wong, H. (2014). Impacts of sense of Community and satisfaction with governmental recovery on psychological status of the Wenchuan Earthquake Survivors. Social Indicators Research, 117(2), 421-436. (SSCI) [Impact Factor: 1.874, 30/108, Q2 (Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary), SSCI, 2019]
  • Crabtree, S. A., & Wong, H. (2013). ‘Ah Cha’! The Racial Discrimination of Pakistani Minority Communities in Hong Kong: An Analysis of Multiple, Intersecting Oppressions. British Journal of Social Work, 43(5), 945-963. (SSCI) [Impact Factor:1.435, 13/43, Q2 (Social Work), SSCI, 2019]
  • Huang, Y., & Wong, H. (2013). Effects of social group work with survivors of the Wenchuan earthquake in a transitional community. Health and Social Care in the Community, 21(3), 327-337. (SSCI) [Impact Factor: 2.050, 5/44, Q1 (Social Work), SSCI, 2019]
  • Tang, M. Y. and Wong, H. (2013). An Empirical Review on Child Poverty Alleviation Policies and Programmes in Hong Kong: Strategic Change on School-based and Community-based Project. Journal of Youth Studies, 16(2), 121-137.
  • Chen, W. & Wong, H. (2012). Gerontological social work under critical perspective: A reflection of the community-based and home-based elderly service. Social Sciences in Nanjing, 2012(1), 70-77. (CSSCI) (in Chinese)
  • Wong, H. (2011). Quality of life of poor people living in remote areas in Hong Kong. Social Indicators Research, 100(3), 435–450. DOI (SSCI) [Impact Factor: 1.874, 30/108, Q2 (Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary), SSCI, 2019]
  • Crabtree, S. A. & Wong, H. (2010). Barriers militating against the social inclusion of low-income Pakistani minority groups in Hong Kong. Asia Pacific Journal of Social Work and Development, 20(2), 63-75. (SSCI) [Impact Factor:0.595, 43/44, Q4 (Social Work), SSCI, 2019]


Selected Projects

  • 2020 - 2024 -
    Co-Investigator, “The Institute of Health Equity (IHE) at CUHK in Collaboration with University College London Institute of Health Equity”,
    Vice-Chancellor's One-off Discretionary Fund, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
    Funding: HKD 29,968,000.
  • 2020 - 2021 -
    Co-Investigator, “Individual-level Income Poverty and Deprivation as Predictors of Health. A Longitudinal Cohort Study in Hong Kong”,
    General Research Research (GRF) 2011/2012, Research Grants Council.
    Funding: HKD 1,156,984.
  • 2012 - 2017 -
    Principal Investigator, “Trends and Implications of Poverty and Social Disadvantages in Hong Kong: A Multi-disciplinary and Longitudinal Study”,
    Strategic Public Policy Research Funding Scheme 2011/2012, Research Grants Council.
    Funding: HKD 3,250,000.
  • 2014 - 2018 -
    Co-Principal Investigator, “Evaluation Study on Incentive Scheme to further encourage Comprehensive Social Security Assistance Recipients of the Integrated Employment Assistance Programme for Self-reliance to secure Employment”,
    Social Welfare Department.
    Funding: HKD 1,430,000.
  • 2016- 2017 -
    Principal Investigator, “Impacts of implementing ‘Low-income Working Family Allowance’ (LIFA) on labour market situation and quality of life of low income working families in Hong Kong”,
    Public Policy Research Funding Scheme, Central Policy Unit.
    Funding: HKD 999,299.
  • 2009- 2012 -
    Principal Investigator, “The Impact of the Introduction of a Statutory Minimum Wage on Labour Market Conditions and the Quality of Life of Vulnerable Groups in Hong Kong”,
    Public Policy Research Funding Scheme, Research Grants Council.
    Funding: HKD 448,500.
  • 2010- 2011 -
    Principal Investigator, “Research Study on the Deprivation and Social Exclusion in Hong Kong”,
    The Hong Kong Council of Social Service.
    Funding: HKD 448,500.


Key Community and Other Services

  • 1/2020 – present - Associate Director, CUHK Institute of Health Equity, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • 8/2017 – present - Director, Yunus Social Business Centre@CUHK, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • 8/2019 – present - Programme Director, Master of Social Work Programme, Department of Social Work, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • 7/2019 – present - Fellow, Assembly of Fellows, Shaw College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • 6/2014 – present - Governor, Foundation for International Studies on Social Security
  • 9/2013 – present - Vice-Chairperson (9/2017-3/2021), Council Member (2013-present), Oxfam Hong Kong
  • 11/2004 – present - Chairperson (2010-2011), Vice-Chairperson (2004-2010, 2014-2015), Board Member (since 2004), UNISON Hong Kong
  • 8/2018 – 5/2021 - Member, Social Sciences Panel, Research Assessment Exercise (RAE) 2020, University Grants   Committee (UGC)
  • 8/2014 – 12/2020 - Director, Centre for Quality of Life, Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • 8/2015 – 7/2019 - Co-Director (9/2017-7/2019); Associate Director (2015-2017), Centre for Social Innovation Studies, Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • 8/2014 – present - Member, Steering Committee for Promotion Personal Development through Social and Civic Engagement, CUHK
  • 12/2006 – 12/2016  - Member, Election Committee (Social Welfare), Hong Kong SAR
  • 1/2013 – 12/2014  - Co-opted Member, Social Security and Retirement Protection Task Force, Commission on Poverty, Hong Kong SAR Government
  • 1/2013 – 12/2014  - Chairperson (2011-2012), Vice-Chairperson (2012-2014)
    Committee on Social Security and Employment Policy, Hong Kong Council of Social Service

Awards and Honors

  • 2015 - 26th Secondary Students' Best Ten Books Election Award , Hong Kong Public Libraries & Hong Kong Professional Teachers’ Union
  • 2012 - Global Scholarship Programme for Research Excellence – CNOOC Grants 2012-13 , Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • 2011 - Exemplary Teaching Award 2011 , Faculty of Social Science, Chinese University of Hong Kong