Funded by the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust and co-organised by the CUHK-Nankai Joint Research Centre of Social Policy and the Department of Social Work, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), the International Conference on ‘Programme Evaluation and Social Impact Assessment’ was successfully held on 21 – 22 October 2021 via Zoom with over 580 participants attended.
During this two-day conference, it was our honour to have Prof. Chi-yue CHIU, Dean of the Faculty of Social Science, CUHK and Ms. Ada CHU, Executive Manager, Charities Planning and Operations, The Hong Kong Jockey Club to officiate the conference. Three keynote speakers, Prof. Xinping GUAN, Professor, Department of Social Work and Social Policy, Nankai University, Prof. Tiziano VECCHIATO, President, Fondazione Zancan and Prof. Steven NGAI, Chairperson and Professor, Department of Social Work, CUHK, as well as eight plenary sessions’ speakers from Australia, Mainland China, Italy, Netherlands and Hong Kong gave us insightful presentations on their practical wisdom in conducting programme evaluation and lessons learnt from the social impact assessment. Over 30 scholars and practitioners from Australia, Burkina Faso, Mainland China, South Korea, Taiwan, Macau and Hong Kong also shared their research and experience with us in the parallel sessions.
Guest of Honour: Prof. Chi-yue CHIU
Guest of Honour: Ms. Ada CHU
Keynote Speaker: Prof. Xinping GUAN
Keynote Speaker: Prof. Tiziano VECCHIATO
Keynote Speaker: Prof. Steven NGAI
Group photos of the plenary speakers
A group photo of participants