Fortifying strategic partnerships
The Office of Academic Links has continued its efforts to strengthen and consolidate ties with its worldwide partners amid the pandemic. Using virtual platforms, a number of workshops were held between September and December to strengthen strategic partnerships in public health, cities, and biomedicine with partners in Australia, Europe, and North America. They included:
- CUHK-The University of Sydney (USyd) Virtual Workshop on Public Health, 18 September: The workshop engaged some 30 participants from the Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care at CUHK and the School of Public Health at USyd to explore potential collaborations in the areas of environmental health/air pollution, and physical activity and non-communicable disease.
CUHK-USyd Virtual Workshop on Public Health
- CUHK-Utrecht University (UU)-University of Toronto (U of T) Virtual Workshop on Neighbourhood, 17 November: CUHK, UU, and U of T formed a strategic partnership in 2016 focusing on research collaboration in the areas of cities, migration, and public health. The workshop brought together some 40 participants, including researchers from the fields of cities, health, transportation, and urban planning, among other areas, to explore new collaboration topics and directions.
CUHK-UU-U of T Workshop on Neighbourhood
- CUHK-University of Manchester (UoM) Virtual Symposium on Regenerative Immunology, 2 December: The two universities have identified strong potential for collaboration in regenerative immunology, which holds great promise to address a wide spectrum of health and ageing problems as well as diseases and even COVID-19. The symposium brought together some 30 researchers in the field from both universities to explore complementary expertise, paving the way for synergistic collaborations in the future.
CUHK-UoM Virtual Symposium on Regenerative Immunology