Electronic Engineering Department, The Chinese University of Hong Kong - ELEG5724 - VLSI Design Methodology & Testing

Variation of different circuit implementation methods; conventional design flow; rapid-prototyping;
VHDL and Verilog; deep submicron design flow; high-level synthesis;
IC testing, test pattern generation; scan design and built-in self-test; introduction to packaging technology.

(Original Course Code: ELE7260)

Variation of different circuit implementation methods; conventional design flow; rapid-prototyping;
VHDL and Verilog; deep submicron design flow; high-level synthesis;
IC testing, test pattern generation; scan design and built-in self-test; introduction to packaging technology.

(Original Course Code: ELE7260)

Learning Outcome

The laboratory works include experiments on image analysis, enhancement, restoration and coding.

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