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Falling Walls Science Breakthroughs of the Year Award

Falling Walls Science Breakthroughs of the Year Award

The Falling Walls Science Breakthroughs of the Year Award, initiated by the Berlin-based Falling Walls Foundation, showcases and celebrates the most recent breakthroughs in science and society from all around the world. Awardees are selected by a jury comprising globally recognised experts in the fields.

The Falling Walls Foundation is a non-profit organisation supported by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research of Germany. It has been hosting an annual conference since 9 November 2009, the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall. The event brings together the latest breakthroughs, outstanding science projects and bright minds behind them in 10 scientific, innovation, and humanistic categories.

Falling Walls Science Breakthroughs of the Year 2021


Prof. Weitian Chen – Illuminatio Medical Technology: Non-invasive Technology to Diagnose Liver Fibrosis

Science Start-ups | Prof. Weitian Chen – Illuminatio Medical Technology: Non-invasive technology to diagnose liver fibrosis

In 2021, Prof. Weitian Chen and his team from the Faculty of Medicine was selected as one of the Finalists in the Falling Walls Science Breakthroughs of the Year Award in the category of Science Start-ups.

Chronic liver disease (CLD) is a global health problem. The current gold standard for the diagnosis of liver fibrosis, a key CLD feature, is invasive biopsy. Current non-invasive methods still have limitations. The start-up develops a non-invasive MRI technology to directly measure relative collagen content in the liver to detect fibrosis. It does not need extra hardware or any contrast agent. It is convenient for routine clinical use, and for screening and treatment monitoring of liver fibrosis.

Top 10 Scientists 

Video Introduction to Prof. Yi-Chun Lu’s work

Video Prof. Yi-Chun Lu’s interview with the Falling Walls

Engineering and Technology | Prof. Yi-Chun Lu – Breaking the wall of safe energy storage

In 2020, Prof. Yi-Chun Lu from the Faculty of Engineering was selected as one of the top 10 scientists in the Falling Walls Science Breakthroughs of the Year Award in the category of Engineering and Technology. Being the only female Asian scientist in the top 10 of this category, Prof. Lu was recognised for her ground-breaking invention of a safe, high energy, low cost, and environmentally friendly battery that serves as a substitute for commercial lithium-ion batteries which are ubiquitous in our daily lives.



Four other CUHK scientists were shortlisted as finalists in other categories, including:

Vice-Chancellor Prof. Rocky S. Tuan – Breaking the wall of international education through virtual student exchange


Digital Education | Vice-Chancellor Prof. Rocky S. Tuan – Breaking the wall of international education through virtual student exchange

Taking advantage of digital technology in higher education, the Virtual Student Exchange (VSE) program provides students within the Association of Pacific Rim Universities network an innovative, immersive virtual exchange experience through digital platforms. The VSE program includes academic courses and co-curricular cultural and social community activities.


Prof. Lin Liu – Breaking the wall to cryosphere monitoring


Physical Sciences | Prof. Lin Liu – Breaking the wall to cryosphere monitoring

The cryosphere, the planet’s frozen parts, has undergone rapid warming in recent decades, posing profound threats to people and the earth systems. With innovative use of AI, computer vision, deep learning, and remote sensing for detecting, characterising, and monitoring changes of the glaciers and the frozen ground from big earth observation data, Prof. Liu’s project transforms our understanding of the polar changes and their global impacts.



Prof. Siew Chien Ng – GenieBiome Ltd: Breaking the wall of cancer using novel microbes


Science Start-ups | Prof. Siew Chien Ng – GenieBiome Ltd: Breaking the wall of cancer using novel microbes

Growing evidence indicates that gut microbiome plays a central role in health and disease. With rapid expansion of global microbiome investment, GenieBiome has positioned itself to be a pioneer in the development of microbiome-based diagnostics and therapeutics in Asia. It has developed a non-invasive disruptive technology for detecting colon cancer. With this novel diagnostic stool test, regular screening colonoscopy will no longer be necessary.


Prof. Siew Chien Ng – GenieBiome Ltd: Breaking the wall of cancer using novel microbes


Social Sciences and Humanities | Prof. Mee Kam Ng – Breaking the wall to ecological and humane urbanism

Hong Kong has been facing many challenges including socio-economic and spatial inequities, and political changes since its return to the Chinese rule in 1997. Working with other professionals, NGOs, district councilors and place champions, this project encourages community members to collaborate in place-making endeavors that restore the ecosystem and provide socio-petal spaces for convivial bottom-up community developments.




Please check out the videos for the breakthroughs.