Electronic Engineering Department, The Chinese University of Hong Kong - ZHAO, Qian - Best Poster Award in the BJ-HK International Doctoral Forum

ZHAO, Qian - Best Poster Award in the BJ-HK International Doctoral Forum

ZHAO, Qian won the Best Poster Award in the 5th BJ-HK International Doctoral Forum which was hosted by Tsinghua University in August, 2010. The title of the paper is ‘Most Representative Frame Extraction for WCE Video Clips’.


“In this paper we propose a novel approach to detect the most representative frames (MRF) in each suspicious WCE video clips. It is based on the temporally maximum occurrence frame (TMOF) extraction method. Real world patient videos including abnormal findings are adopted to evaluate the performance of the proposed method. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed approach is efficient to extract critical information in the WCE video clips.”

The website of the 5th BJ-HK International Doctoral Forum 2010 is as follows:

