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Summer Undergraduate Research Programme (SURP)


Virtual Summer Research@CUHK

Thank you for your interest in the Summer Undergraduate Research Programme (SURP). The programme details for SURP 2022 will be available at the end of 2021/early 2022.


If you wish to receive the latest announcements about SURP 2022, please sign up here.


The Summer Undergraduate Research Programme (SURP) provides an opportunity for undergraduate students from overseas universities to undertake research attachments for eight weeks at CUHK during the summer. Students will be actively engaged in research under the supervision of a CUHK faculty member and earn three credits upon successful completion of the programme. Due to travel restrictions brought by the COVID-19 pandemic, SURP will be conducted virtually in the summer of 2021 to allow students to take part in the programme without leaving home.


50 research topics

80 students

Sign up for an innovative summer virtual research experience!

  • Develop research skills and knowledge in a specific area of interest
  • Join a world-class research team and work alongside leading experts in the field at home
  • Experience postgraduate studies first hand
  • Establish professional networks for future career
  • Immerse in the local culture through virtual activities and excursions
  • Discover new ideas through interaction with other international students

Begin your summer virtual research experience with CUHK

Eligibility Number of Participants
Full-time senior undergraduate students currently registered at an overseas and non-Chinese university with good academic standing.


Up to 80 undergraduate students will be hosted. Admission rests with the CUHK host supervisors.


Programme Dates Credits
SURP will take place during 28 June–20 August 2021 for eight weeks.


Students will be registered in a 3-credit course titled ‘Independent Research on International Studies’ to conduct a research project. A transcript will be issued to their home institution upon successful completion. Final decision on credit transfer will be determined by the home institution.


Research Topics Language
Some 50 research topics are offered by CUHK host supervisors. Please visit HERE for more information.


Research work and reports will be conducted in English. However, different projects may have different language requirements as set out by the supervisors.
Online Activities  
Participants will be immersed in the local culture through a series of online orientation and cultural activities.


Please click onto the tab below for the details of the programme timeline.

Month Event
Jan 2021 Open for Applications
15 Mar 2021 Application Deadline
Apr – May 2021 Announce Application Results
28 Jun 2021 Virtual Orientation
Jun – Aug 2021 Online Cultural Tours, Research Talk & Social Activities
Aug 2021 Research Presentation Session
20 Aug 2021 Last Day of Programme

Watch the video to find out what past host supervisors and participants say about SURP!

Life changing experience

It has been a life changing experience at CUHK. This programme has given me the opportunity to challenge myself. I have made friends in this programme that I know would last a lifetime and a myriad of memories that will be remembered forever.
University of Waterloo, Canada  I  SURP 2016

A taste of research complexity

I worked on a project about ozone pollution. The experience gave me a taste of the complexity of environmental problems and the math that might be used to help solve them. It’s encouraging that there’s so much interesting work to be done to figure this out.
Harvard College, US  I  SURP 2018

Jam-packed & supportive

If I could only describe SURP in three words, they would be jam-packed, impressive and supportive. I worked in a marine laboratory on ocean warming and did a combination of lab, field and office work to complete my project. The work environment was really fun. I thought SURP was absolutely amazing and would thoroughly recommend to anyone considering joining.
Dina-Leigh SIMONS
The University of Sheffield, UK  I  SURP 2019

A precious chance

SURP has given me a precious chance to explore more about the specific topic I am interested in, as well as guided me with my future choice and direction of postgraduate degrees. Additionally, I have established some professional networks with the supervisors, current Ph.D. students, and other international students through this wonderful project.
Lijin FENG
University College London, UK  I  SURP 2019

Sense of ownership & accomplishment

There has been lots of hands-on lab work. Being able to work on parts of the project from the start gives me a sense of ownership and accomplishment. I loved the interaction with the locals, going on lunches with my host supervisor and the team to discover different food.
University of Graz, Austria  I  SURP 2018

Great summer at CUHK

It was a great summer at CUHK. SURP allows me to re-think about my future plans on my study. Also, the members of the host laboratory are kind and willing to teach me a lot of things. I did learn a lot from them.
Joyce KIM
Korea University, South Korea  I  SURP 2018

Totally changed my view on lab research

This attachment has totally changed my view on lab research. I have my first encounter with eastern and western integrative medicine, and have really enjoyed seeing how the research gets applied into clinical practice.
Henry KIM
University of California, Berkeley, US  I  SURP 2017