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Summer Institute (SI)

Enrichment Activities

A wide variety of enrichment activities available during the academic study period will let you learn about the features of various academic disciplines available at CUHK and gain first-hand university learning experience through simulations and introductions to future study options.

Enrichment Activities Offered in 2019 – 2021 (for reference)

  • 1-hour Physics Lab Visit
  • Application of Biomedical Engineering in Orthopaedics
  • Campus Tour with College Visit
  • Get to Know Me (Nursing)
  • Hospitality and Real Estate Taster
  • Sports Science Interactive Lab Tour
  • University Entry Workshop Series – University Admission Interview Skills Workshop
  • University Entry Workshop Series – Writing Personal Statements for University Programme Applications
  • University Library Visit
  • Visit of Jockey Club Museum of Climate Change
  • Visit to The Advanced Ophthalmic Training and Education Centre (AOTEC) and CUHK Eye Centre Visit with Ophthalmic Examination