A comprehensive research university with a global vision, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) embraces internationalisation in its education and research, with a view to achieving excellence and gaining recognition for the University as a global leader.
The first student exchange program at the University was launched in 1965 with the University of California system. Today, CUHK has formal partnerships with over 450 institutions around the world, ranging from teaching and research collaborations to faculty and student exchanges, apart from joining a number of international associations to facilitate academic exchange. Serving as its international relations arm, the Office of Academic Links (OAL) promotes and facilitates the internationalisation of CUHK in its research, teaching and learning programmes so as to seek recognition for the University as a leader on the global stage.
For more information please download the brochure.
Call for Applications: ACU Commonwealth Climate Resilience Challenge Grants 2022 (Deadline: 7 January 2022)
The Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU) is currently inviting applications for the Commonwealth Climate Resilience Challenge Grants. The grants are awarded to academic and professional staff at ACU member universities, including CUHK, to support initiatives addressing climate resilience. (more…)
Call for Applications: McDonnell International Scholars Academy Graduate Fellowship Programme 2022-23 (Deadline: 31 January 2022)
The Washington University in St. Louis, USA, is inviting applications to the McDonnell International Scholars Academy for admission in 2022–23. (more…)
Call for Applications: ETH Student Summer Research Fellowship 2022 (Deadline: 15 December 2021)
The ETH Zurich, Switzerland is currently inviting applications from bachelor’s and master’s students to the ETH Student Summer Research Fellowship 2022. (more…)
CUHK eNews (Oct 2021) is available online
The latest issue of CUHK eNews is now available. It provides the latest updates about the University to international partners, featuring its research and teaching achievements, ongoing developments, student accomplishments and key events. (more…)
Invitation to ‘Masterminds, Masterclasses’ (16-18 November 2021)
The Hong Kong Laureate Forum (the Forum) will be hosting an event on ‘Masterminds, Masterclasses’ during 16-18 November 2021. It is a flagship programme in 2021 for the prelude to the inaugural Hong Kong Laureate Forum and comprises a seminar with world-renowned scientists as speakers, including Shaw Laureates, recipients of
Call for Applications: ACU Early Career Conference Grants 2022 (Deadline: 30 November 2021)
The Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU) Early Career Conference Grants are now calling for applications. The grants support emerging academics who have never travelled for work purposes (including conferences) outside their region of employment since the start of their academic career. (more…)