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Funding Schemes

As part of the University’s internationalisation effort, a range of schemes and resources are administered by the Office of Academic Links to help faculty members and PhD students build and strengthen research collaboration with a view to raising its international standing and advancing the frontiers of research and technology.

Global Mobility

A variety of scholarship, fellowship and visitorship programmes promoting research collaborations and teaching engagements are provided as below:

Faculty Members

Research Staff

PhD Students

Research Development

Faculty members are encouraged to identify suitable grants to engage in academic and/or exploratory activities in order to strengthen their international research collaboration. The schemes include:

Event Organisation

Faculty members are encouraged to organise international events and workshops to help promote their international connections and research collaboration, as well as to strengthen the University’s global presence. The scheme includes:

Visiting Opportunities

CUHK welcomes overseas scholars to visit CUHK to engage in academic exchanges with its faculty members and students via a range of schemes. Here are some schemes for visiting scholars:

Worldwide Opportunities

The University encourages its faculty members and students to utilise the academic exchange schemes and funding opportunities from around the world to pursue academic excellence. Some of these schemes are as below:
Faculty Members

Undergraduate and Postgraduate Students, and Postdocs

Looking for More?

Information on research funding opportunities, academic exchange schemes, and research resources and services available both within and beyond the University is provided at the Research Resources webpage.

Faculty members and students are encouraged to utilise these resources to pursue academic exchanges and research collaboration with institutions around the world.