Tuition Fees

The tuition fees per annum is HK$42,100.

Tuition Waiver for Local Research Postgraduate (RPg) Students

The Research Grants Council (RGC) under the University Grants Committee (UGC) has announced on 29 June 2018 a non-means-tested tuition waiver to all eligible local students enrolled in UGC-funded RPg programmes, to incentivize more local students to join RPg programmes and build up a pool of local research talent. The tuition waiver scheme will commence from the 2018/19 academic year, i.e. with effect from 1st July 2018. Please visit the UGC website and the CUHK Graduate School website for more details.

Postgraduate Studentship

PGS is available to full-time RPg students and will be made known to them at the time of admission. Students awarded PGS will receive stipends in return for assisting in the teaching and research work of the Centre. The monthly stipend for the academic year 2020-21 is HK$18,025 for MPhil and PhD (pre-candidacy), or HK$18,525 for PhD (post-candidacy).

Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme (HKPFS)

The Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme will provide a monthly stipend of HK$26,600 and a conference travel allowance of HK$13,300 per year during the normative study period for up to three years (For awardees with a normative study period of four years, CUHK provides stipend and conference travel allowance at HKPFS level for the fourth year). For more details, please visit the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme website.

CUHK Vice-Chancellor HKPFS Scholarship

CUHK Vice-Chancellor HKPFS Scholarship offers HKPFS awardees starting from the 2019-20 intake:

  • A tuition fee waiver for their whole normative study period;
  • Provides an award of HK$40,000 (approx. US$5,130) for lodging in the first year of study and HK$20,000 in the subsequent years within the normative study period;
  • A guarantee of on-campus accommodation during the normative study period to HKPFS awardees who submit timely applications. The on-campus hostel fee will be waived in the first year of study.
  • For HKPFS awardees with a normative study period of four years, CUHK provides stipend and conference travel allowance at HKPFS level for the fourth year.

For more details, please visit the CUHK Graduate School website.

CUHK Vice-Chancellor PhD Scholarship Scheme

Starting from the 2020-21 intake, all PhD candidates who are nominated to the HKPFS by CUHK but not being selected for HKPFS will be offered the Scholarship with the following:

  • An annual postgraduate studentship of HK$216,300 (approx. US$27,730) during the normative period of study.
  • An award of HK$80,000 (approx. US$10,260) in three installments (i.e. HK$40,000 in the first year and HK$20,000 in each of the second and third year of study, subject to satisfactory study progress).

For more details, please visit the CUHK Graduate School website.

Research Fund for Research Postgraduate Students

The Centre for China Studies provides support to Research Postgraduate Students for their academic activities abroad.