Over 600 international students kick off their exchange experience at CUHK
Studying abroad is one the most rewarding opportunities during a student’s university life. The unique academic and cultural exposure on offer at CUHK makes it an ideal destination for students worldwide.
With the commencement of the Fall Term of 2019-20, the University has once again welcomed a new batch of international exchange and study abroad students to its campus for one term or an entire academic year. In the week of 26 August, more than 600 students from 16 different countries/regions arrived at CUHK. They are ready to embrace an once-in-a-lifetime exchange experience that would challenge their minds, expand their understanding of cultures and reward them with lifelong friendships. Representing 45 distinct nationalities, this new group of incoming exchange students has brought a fresh breeze of diversity to the already internationally vibrant campus of CUHK.
Students of 45 nationalities will create their own exchange experience at CUHK and in Hong Kong.