CUHK eNews | Oct 2021
Pioneering breakthroughs in AI-powered smart medicine
Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to revolutionise medical practice, but we have barely scratched the surface of its possible benefits. Prof. DOU Qi, an AI expert from CUHK, is now pushing the boundaries of AI-inspired medical innovation by achieving fresh breakthroughs in robotic surgery and medical imaging.
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Predicting infants’ language development before their first words
Researchers at CUHK’s Brain and Mind Institute have developed an algorithm that can predict language development in individual children with up to 92% precision. Based on a safe and simple brain test, the new technique could support routine early detection of language development problems, helping parents to seek timely interventions.
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Functional diversity: A delicate key to capacity of mangrove forests for ecosystem services
Mangrove forests are under threat globally, but a new study from CUHK researchers could inspire more effective approaches to restoring them. By probing how invertebrate fauna support various ecosystem functions in global mangrove ecosystems, the study discovered that while functional redundancy is low and small, highly biodiverse mangroves could help repopulate declining forests around the world.
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Unlocking the mysteries of a rare neurodegenerative disorder
Huntington’s disease, a hereditary disorder that causes the brain’s nerve cells to malfunction, is currently an incurable condition. However, an international collaboration involving neuroscience experts from CUHK is getting closer to understanding the root of the illness and thus opening up new therapeutic horizons.
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CUHK Top 50 in World University Rankings
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Inaugural CUHK Innovation Day
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Bulletin – The New Gospel According to A.I.
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CUHK Graduate School – Postgraduate Studies 2022–23
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2 Nov 2021
E-Mobility and future transport
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9 Nov 2021
CUHK–UQ–Exeter joint symposium on environmental sustainability
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20 Nov 2021
Engineering Medical Innovation Summit: Medicine for the future 2021
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30 Nov 2021
Biodiversity genomics in the Pacific Rim: Challenges and future opportunities
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