Dialogues in Research: Social Movement and Representation: Perspectives from Southeast Asia and China

March 3, 2017

Dialogues in Research: Social Movement and Representation: Perspectives from Southeast Asia and China

Dialogues in Research_2017_marchDate: 3 March 2017 (Friday)

Time: 12:00nn – 1:30pm

Venue: G24, Fung King Hey Building, CUHK

Speakers:  Prof. Elmo GONZAGA (CUHK) and Prof. TAN Jia (CUHK)

Chair: Prof. Katrien JACOBS (CUHK)

Registration:  https://goo.gl/forms/hwxyCJlARNQQSLPv2


About speakers:

Elmo GONGZAGA obtained his PhD from the University of California, Berkeley specializing in the Visual and Spatial Cultures of Southeast Asia and the Global South. His book manuscript, Monsoon Marketplace, traces the imbricated genealogies of consumer capitalism, urban modernity, and media spectatorship in representations of commercial and leisure spaces in Manila and Singapore during the 1930s, 1960s, and 2000s. His latest publication is a forthcoming essay in Cinema Journal on autoethnographic excess in the global culture industry of poverty porn.


TAN Jia is Assistant Professor of Cultural Studies in the Department of Cultural and Religious Studies at The Chinese University of Hong Kong. She receives her doctoral degree in critical studies of cinema and television from the University of Southern California. Her articles on digital media, queer culture, and neoliberal politics have appeared in Critical Studies in Media Communication, GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies, and Journal of Chinese Cinemas.


Conducted in English. Light lunch will be served.

All are welcome. First-come, first served.

Registration is required by 1 March 2017.