Move Hearts and Minds as a Marketer

Marketing experts and gurus often dominate industries.
That is no surprise given the power marketing has over consumers and trends. Some of the best marketing campaigns have become pop culture touchstones that live on further than the products themselves.
To be a successful marketer, you’ll need what seems like a contradictory set of traits. A good marketer is creative but practical, self-motivated but works well in a team, organised but flexible. On top of that, a marketing expert is always ahead of the curve when it comes to trends, understands what consumers want, and knows how to persuade them.
While some qualities are innate, a good marketing programme incorporates a foundation in processes and skills that help marketers stay in the lead. With the advent of new technology that tracks and measures consumer data, it’s even more important now to augment your marketing skills with a high-quality study programme, especially in fluid and ever-changing markets like Hong Kong and China.
I joined Tencent in 2016 as a brand manager after graduating from the MSc Programme in Marketing. Since then, I have worked on both brand strategy and integrated marketing communications.
As a digital marketer, I found the learning experience at CUHK valuable. The programme allowed me to learn from great professors, industry leaders and talented classmates. I was able to absorb cutting-edge knowledge in big data marketing and shape strategic thinking, which I now apply in my daily work from campaign planning to omni-channel media buying. In addition, the career opportunities and diversified community provided by the School have greatly enriched my learning experience.

MSc in Marketing 2016
Brand Manager, Tencent Group
Programmes to Consider
Choose from CUHK Business School’s Marketing Programmes and discover the best way for you to make an impact.

BBA in Integrated BBA
This progressive programme delivers a strong foundation in business administration and specialised subject expertise, and offers double major and degree options.

MSc in Marketing
This programme exposes participants to the latest theoretical developments in marketing and the processes and skills for optimal decision-making.
1-Year Full-Time @ HK$260,000

MPhil-PhD in Marketing
This programme’s diversified research interests emphasise the international and sociocultural aspects of marketing with a focus on Hong Kong and China.
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