Our History

The Department of Chemistry is one of the oldest academic units in the University. Since 1963, the Department has trained more than 3,800 students including approximately 3,000 B.Sc. graduates, 400 M.Phil. graduates, and 370 Ph.D. graduates. Partnered with the Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, the Department has established, in 1998, the Shanghai-Hong Kong Joint-Laboratory in Chemical Synthesis to train scientists from Mainland China.

After decades of dedication, the Department has emerged as one of the best research units of the University as well as an active centre of chemical research in the Asia-Pacific region. The Department has gained worldwide recognition in various research fields such as physical chemistry of macromolecules, organoboron chemistry, environmental catalytic detoxification, and synthesis of small organic molecules with medicinally implication. Four Chinese Academicians and Seven Croucher Senior Research Fellows have been awarded to faculty members for their research excellence. More than 3,500 articles authored by our members have been published in various refereed international journals in the period of 1972-2019. The Department aims to maintain its leading position in chemical research in the Asia-Pacific region and achieve its missions of exploring and applying knowledge for the benefit of mankind. The Department will continue to embrace an array of research areas, notably the amplifying catalysis and nanomaterials (including functional polymers and colloids).

The Chemistry undergraduate programme provides well balanced training for students in various aspects of modern chemistry. The 4-year curriculum of our Chemistry Major Programme is designed to nurture students with fundamental concepts and practical skills in Chemistry. The curriculum strikes a balance between the theory and experimental skills, in order to equip the graduates to pursue more versatile career aspects. Students are given ample training in basic principles of chemistry, logical thinking, and practical chemical laboratory skills.

Since 2007, the Department has been closely collaborated with the Faculty as well as the Education Bureau of Hong Kong Government to promote science education for both gifted and mainstream secondary school students. The Department shall continue its effort to serve the society. Organization of lectures and workshops for secondary school students and teachers remain our priorities. Emphasis will also be placed on consulting work to industrial sectors and collaborations with the Education Bureau to improve the quality of chemical education in secondary schools.