Professor Qian MIAO(繆謙教授)


location Room 361 Science Centre
Phone No. (852) 3943 8127
Research Group Miao Research Group










2005 Ph.D. Columbia University
2004 M.Ph. Columbia University
2000 B.Sc. University of Science and Technology of China




Since 2019 Outstanding Fellow of the Faculty of Science,
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Since 2016 Professor, Department of Chemistry,
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
2012 to 2016 Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry,
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
2006 to 2012 Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry,
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
2005 to 2006 Postdoctoral Scholar, Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry,
University of California, Los Angeles



Honours and Awards

2018 Croucher Senior Research Fellowship,
Croucher Foundation
2017 Research Excellence Award,
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
2012 Young Researcher Award 2011,
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
2008 Science Faculty Exemplary Teaching Award 2007,
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
2005 The Hammet Award, by the Department of Chemistry,
Columbia University


Research Interests

Design and synthesis of novel polycyclic aromatic molecules with interesting structures and useful applications, and development of high-performance organic semiconductor materials and devices using tools from organic synthesis, supramolecular chemistry and surface chemistry.



Representative Publications

1. “Synthesis of Armchair and Chiral Carbon Nanobelts”, Cheung, K. Y.; Gui, S.; Deng, C.; Liang, H.; Xia, Z.; Liu, Z.; Chi, L.*; Miao, Q.* Chem20195, 838–847.
2. “A Dipleiadiene-Embedded Aromatic Saddle Consisting of 86 Carbon Atoms”, Pun, S. H.; Chan, C. K.; Luo, J.; Liu, Z.; Miao, Q.* Angewandte Chemie International Edition201857, 1851–1856.
3. “Halogenated Tetraazapentacenes with Electron Mobility as High as 27.8 cm2 V−1 s−1 in Solution-Processed N-channel Organic Thin Film Transistors”, Chu, M.; Fan, J.-X.; Yang, S.; Liu, D.; Ng, C. F.; Dong, H.; Ren, A.-M.*; Miao, Q.* Advanced Materials2018 , 30, 1803467
4. “A Twisted Nanographene Consisting of 96 Carbon Atoms”, Cheung, K. Y.; Chan, C. K.; Liu, Z.; Miao, Q.* Angewandte Chemie International Edition201756, 9003–9007
5. “Electron Mobility Exceeding 10 cm2V−1s−1 and Band-like Charge Transport in Solution-processed N-channel Organic Thin Film Transistors”, Xu, X.; Yao, Y.; Shan, B.; Gu, X.; Liu, D.; Liu, J.; Xu, J.; Zhao, N.; Hu, W.; Miao, Q.*Advanced Materials2016 , 28, 5276–5283.
6. “Aromatic Saddles Containing Two Heptagons”, Cheung, K. Y.; Xu, X.; Miao, Q.* Journal of the American Chemical Society2015137, 3910–3914.
7. “Self-Assembled Monolayers of Cyclohexyl-Terminated Phosphonic Acids as a General Dielectric Surface for High-Performance Organic Thin-Film Transistors”, Liu, D.; He, Z.; Su, Y.; Diao, Y.; Mannsfeld, S. C. B.; Bao, Z.; Xu, J. Miao, Q.* Advanced Materials201426, 7190–7196.
8. “Heptagon-Embedded Pentacene: Synthesis, Structures and Thin Film Transistors of Dibenzo[d,d’]benzo[1,2-a:4,5-a’]dicycloheptenes”, Yang, X.; Liu, D.; Miao, Q.* ,Angewandte Chemie International Edition,, 2014,53,, 6786–6790.
9. “Curved Polycyclic Aromatic Molecules that Are π-Isoelectronic to Hexabenzocoronene” Luo, J.; Xu, X.; Mao, R. Miao, Q.* Journal of the American Chemical Society2012134, 13796–13803.
10. “Soluble and Stable N-Heteropentacenes with High Field Effect Mobility” Liang, Z.; Tang, Q.; Xu, J.; Miao, Q.* Advanced Materials201123, 1535–1539.