Professor Sheung Wai TAM(譚尚渭教授)

Emeritus Professor of Chemistrytsw
BSc, MSc(HK); PhD(Nott.)






Emeritus Professor of Chemistry, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Research Interests

Synthesis of natural products with the dibenzocyclooctadiene skeleton; iron carbonyl complexes in organic synthesis.

Representative Publications

1. T.-W.D. Chan and S.W. Tam:
“Mass Spectra of Hydrazo, Azo and Azoxy Compound”, The Chemistry of Hydrazo, Azo and Azoxy Groups, Vol. 2, ed. by S. Patai, Wiley, & Sons Ltd., Chichester, Chap.4, pp. 105-135 (1997).
2. C.K. Chung, M.S. Ho, K.S. Lun, M.O. Wong, H.N.C. Wong and S.W. Tam:
“Zinc-Silver Couple: A Mild and Convenient Reagent for Reductive Dehalogenation and Aryl Halides”, Syn. Commun., Vol. 18, pp. 507-510 (1988).
3. T.Y. Luh, W.H. So, K.S. Cheung and S.W. Tam:
“Mechanistic Studies on the Addition Reactions of Benzeneselenenyl Bromide to Substituted Styrenes”, J. Org. Chem., Vol. 50, pp. 3051-3053 (1985).
4. T.-Y. Luh, H.F. Chow, W.Y. Leung and S.W. Tam:
“On the Regioselectivity of the Beckmann Rearrangement of Cyclobutanones with O-Mesitylene-Sulfonylhydroxylamine. A Convenient Synthesis of Substituted Octahydrocyclopenta[b]pyrroles”, Tetrahedron, Vol. 41, No. 3, pp. 519-525 (1985).
5. T.-Y. Luh, K.S. Lee and S.W. Tam:
“Transition Metal-promoted Reaction X. Pentacarbonyliron-promoted Reductive Coupling of Benzoyl Chloride in Halobenzenes”, J. Organometal. Chem., Vol. 248, pp. 221 (1983).
6. T.-Y. Luh, K.S. Lee and S.W. Tam:
“Transition Metal-promoted Reactions. VII. Novel Reactions of Acid Chlorides with Pentacarbonyliron in Aromatic Solvents”, J. Organometal. Chem. Vol. 219, pp. 345 (1981).