Professor To NGAI(魏濤教授)


location Room 242 Science Centre
Phone No. (852) 3943 1222
Fax No. (852) 2603 5057
Research Group Webpage Prof. Ngai’s Research Group















2003 Ph.D. Department of Chemistry,
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
1999 B.Sc. (1st Hons) Department of Chemistry,
The Chinese University of Hong Kong


Honours and Awards

2020 The Distinguished Lectureship Award, The CSJ Asian International Symposium
The Chemical Society of Japan
2019 Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC)
Royal Society of Chemistry
2014 Research Excellent Award, Faculty of Science
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
2013 Young Research Award, Faculty of Science
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
2011 Emerging Investigator, Chem Comm., RSC
2008 Faculty Exemplary Teaching Award, Faculty of Science, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
2003 Croucher Fellowship, Croucher Foundation, Hong Kong
1997 Ko Ho Ning Scholarship, United College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
1997 United College Endowment Fund Prize, United College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong



Since 2018 Assistant Dean (Research), Faculty of Science, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Since 2017 Professor, Department of Chemistry, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
2012-2017 Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
2008-2012 Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
2006-2007 Research Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
2005-2005 Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Chemistry, University of Minnesota, MN, USA
2003-2005 Postdoctoral Fellow, BASF Aktiengesellschaft, Ludwigshafen, Germany


Professional Affiliations

Since 2020 Member of Editorial Board of Reactive and Functional Polymers, Elsevier
Since 2019 Member of Editorial Board of Langmuir, American Chemical Society (ACS)
Since 2019 Member of Editorial Board of Colloid and Surface A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, Elsevier
Since 2019 Member of Editorial Board of Journal of Leather Science and Engineering, Springer
Since 2019 Committee member (第三十屆理事會膠體與界面專業委員會委員)
Chinese Chemical Society (中國化學會)
Since 2017 Member of Editorial Board of Colloids and Interface, MPDI
Since 2016 Committee member
The International Association of Colloid and Interface Scientists
Since 2015 Adjunct Professor, Shanxi University, China
Since 2008 Member of Royal Society of Chemistry (MRSC)
Member of Material Chemistry Division
Since 2006 Member of American Chemical Society
Member of ACS Colloids and Surface Science Division
2011-2014 Adjunct Associate Professor, Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering
South China University of Technology, China
Since 2011 Adjunct Professor, Sichuan University, China
Since 2015 Committee member
The Asian Society for Colloid and Surface Science
Since 2018 Adjunct Professor, Jiangnan University, China


Research Interests

Our research interests center around the colloid, interface and soft materials. Current areas of focus include:

1. Design, preparation and application of particle-stabilized emulsions (Pickering emulsions)
2. Measuring the interaction between functionalized surfaces
3. Microrehology of soft and biomaterials
4. Development of orthopaedic implant biomaterials

Research Group Website



Representative Publications

Book and Book Chapters

1. Reinhard Miller, To Ngai , Mieke Kleijn, and Ger Kiper (Eds),
“Selected Papers from the 16th Conference of the International Association of Colloid and Interface Scientists (IACIS 2018),
2. To Ngai and Syuji Fujii, (Eds),
“Pickering Emulsion and Derived Materials”,
MDPI Publishing,(2017).
3. To Ngai and Stefan A F Bon (Eds),
“Particle-Stabilized Emulsions and Colloids: Formation and Applications”,
RSC Publishing(2015).
4. Guanghui Ma, Haruma Kawaguchi, and To Ngai (Eds), “Selected Papers from ASEPFPM 2015,
MDPI Publishing(2015).
5. Zifu Li and To Ngai, “Emulsion-Stabilized by Soft Microgel Particles” in Particle-Stabilized Emulsions and Colloids: Formation and Applications, To Ngai and Stefan A F Bon (Eds),
RSC Publishing(2015), 93-126.
6. Man-hin, Kwok, and To Ngai, “Responsive Particle-Stabilized Emulsions: Formation and Applications” in Smart Materials for Advanced Environmental Applications, Peng Wang (eds),
RSC Publishing(2016), 91-138.

Recent Refereed Journal Publications

1. Hang Jiang, Xiaofeng Hu, Yunxing Li*, Cheng Yang, and To Ngai*,
“Engineering Proteinaceous Colloidosomes as Enzyme Carrier for Efficient and Recyclable Pickering Interfacial Biocatalysis”,
Chem. Sci. 2021in press.
2. Yongkang Xi, Bo Liu, Shuxin Wang, Xiaonan Huang, Hang Jiang, Shouwei Yin*, To Ngai*, and Xiaoquan Yang,,
“Growth of Au Nanoparticles on Phosphorylated Zein Protein Particles Used as Biomimetic Catalysts for Cascade Reactions at the Oil-Water Interface”,
Chem. Sci. 202112, 3885-3889 (chosen as Back Cover Picture).
3. Huan Tan*, Ruiyun Zhang, Liyang Han, Tong Zhang, and To Ngai*,
“Pickering Emulsions Stabilized by Aminated Gelatin Nanoparticles: Are Gelatin Nanoparticles Acting as Genuine Pickering Stabilizers or Structuring Agents?”,
Food Hydrocolloids 2021in press.
4. Tong Zhang, Fuguo Liu, Jie Wu, and To Ngai*,
“Pickering Emulsions Stabilized by Biocompatible Particles: A Review of Preparation, Bioapplication and Perspective”,
Particuology 2021in press.
5. Shengnan Tao, Hang Jiang, Suijing Gong, Shou-Wei Yin, Yunxing Li*, and To Ngai*,
“Pickering Emulsions Simultaneously Stabilized by Starch Nanocrystals and Zein Nanoparticles: Fabrication, Characterization and Application”,
Langmuir 202137, 8577-8584.
6. Guangyao Cheng, Kuan-Ting Lin, Yinghua Ye, Hang Jiang, To Ngai, and Yi-Ping Ho*,
“Photo-Responsive Fluorosurfactant Enabled by Plasmonic Nanoparticles for Light-Driven Droplet Manipulation”,
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 202113, 21914-21923.
7. Wei Liu, Hui Zhu, Chuanxin He, and To Ngai*,
“A Facile Evanescent-Field Imaging Approach for Monitoring Colloidal Gel Evolution Near a Surface”,
Soft Matter 202117, 4006-4010.
8. Wei Liu, Yuwei Zhu, Tong Zhang, Hui Zhu, Chuanxin He*, and To Ngai*,
“Microrheology of Thermoresponsive Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) Microgel Dispersions Near a Substrate Surface”,
J. Colloid Interface Sci. 2021597, 104-113.
9. Hang Jiang, Xiaofeng Hu, Yunxing Li*, and To Ngai*,
“A Green and Facile Strategy for Fabrication of All-Natural Porous Proteinaceous Microspheres”,
Mater. Chem. Front. 20215, 3897-3902.
10. Xin Guan, and To Ngai*,
“pH-Sensitive W/O Pickering High Internal Phase Emulsions and W/O/W High Internal Water-Phase Double Emulsions with Tailored Microstructures Co-Stabilized by Lecithin and Silica Inorganic Particles”,
Langmuir 202137, 2843-2854 (chosen as Front Cover Picture).
11. Tong Zhang, and To Ngai*,
“One-Step Formation of Double Emulsions Stabilized by PNIPAM-based Microgels: The Role of Co-Monomer”,
Langmuir 202137, 1045-1053.
12. Cuicui Ma, Wen Jiang, Guipan Chen, Qiankun Wang, David Julian McClements, Xuebo Liu, Fuguo Liu*, and To Ngai*,
“Sonochemical Effects on Formation and Emulsifying Properties of Zein-gum Arabic Complexes”,
Food Hydrocolloids 2021111, 106557.
13. Hang Jiang, Tong Zhang, Joeri Smits, Xiaonan Huang, Michael Maas,* Shouwei Yin, and To Ngai*,
“Edible High Internal Phase Pickering Emulsion with Double-Emulsion Morphology”,
Food Hydrocolloids 2021111, 106405.
14. Wenzhang Chen, David Julian McClements, Xuebo Liu, To Ngai*, and Fuguo Liu*,
“Fortification of Edible Films with Bioactive Agents: A Review of Their Formation, Properties, and Application in Food Preservation”,
Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 2021, 1-27.
15. Fengzhan Cui, David Julian McClements, Xuebo Liu, Fuguo Liu* and To Ngai*,
“Development of pH-Responsive Emulsions Stabilized by Whey Protein Fibrils”,
Food Hydrocolloids 2021in press.