Featured Programmes / Courses
培養時尚品味及流行觸覺 (網上模式)Dressing Your Style with Fashion (Internet Mode)
孕婦及嬰幼兒營養 (網上模式)Nutrition for Pregnant Woman, Infants and Young Children (Internet Mode)
幼兒行為觀察與輔導 (網上模式)Observing Young Children's Behaviours and Counselling (Internet Mode)
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Trendy web page design using DreamweaverDreamweaver之時尚網頁設計
銷售與市場心理學 (網上模式)The Psychology of Sales and Marketing (Internet Mode)
中醫食療與養生 - 湯水穴位春夏篇 (郵遞模式)Chinese Herbal and Nutritional Therapy - Nutrient Soup and Acupoints for Spring and Summer (Postal Mode)
幼兒發展基礎導論 (網上模式)Introduction to Child Development (Internet Mode)
E-Learning Korean Grammar (Advanced 1)
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