News Department of Government and Public Administration - CUHK

一年一度政政系盛事——「政政足球盃2018」於上星期四月十二日晚上七時於中大嶺場進行決賽,由以馬嶽教授及Dr. James Downes領軍的「Real GPAD」隊對決學生隊伍「馬嶽粉絲足球隊」。經過一番龍爭虎鬥,最後結果以10:6,由「馬嶽粉絲足球隊」勝出。

IMG 7765

GPA Newsletter P1GPA Newsletter P2

Dear Students,

Some alumni suggest the following career opportunities for your reference:


Organization: The Hong Kong Jockey Club


Deadline: Summer Intern application will close before mid-April


Organization: Bank of China (Hong Kong)


Deadline: 2 April


Organization: Hon Jeremy Tam Man-Ho’s Legislative Council Member’s Office

Information: Please contact Ms. Carman Lau at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 25093118

Job duties:

To assist in the organization of community activities To assist in policy research and data analysis To assist in administrative works

To assist in policy research and data analysis

To assist in administrative works

Deadline: 13 April

Sanctioning the Homeland 20180424